
GLAuth Utils

  • Identity Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/edge 42 20 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy glauth-utils --channel edge
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Charmed GLAuth Utility K8s Tutorial

This tutorial aims to provide a general walkthrough to set up a fully working GLAuth utility using glauth-utils charmed operator, MicroK8s, and Juju.

Set up the environment

Follow this guide to bootstrap a MicroK8s cloud running a Juju controller.

Create a Juju model:

juju add-model dev

Deploy prerequisite charmed operators

The glauth-utils charmed operator requires the following charmed operators deployed in the MicroK8s cluster:

juju deploy glauth-k8s --channel edge --trust

Deploy glauth-utils charmed operator

The glauth-utils charmed operator can be deployed as follows:

juju deploy glauth-utils --channel edge --trust

Integrate with other charmed operators

The glauth-utils charmed operator offers the glauth-auxiliary interface in order to supplement the glauth-k8s charmed operator:

juju integrate glauth-utils:glauth-auxiliary glauth-k8s:glauth-auxiliary

Tear down the environment

Remove the dev Juju model:

juju destroy-model dev

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 9 months ago.