GitHub Runner Webhook Router
- Canonical IS DevOps
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/edge | 50 | 06 Mar 2025 |
juju deploy github-runner-webhook-router --channel edge
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
default-flavour | string
The flavour to use when no labels except the default are provided.
default-self-hosted-labels | string
Default: self-hosted,linux
Comma-separated list of labels to ignore during routing, as they apply to all self-hosted flavours.
flask-application-root | string
Path in which the application / web server is mounted. This configuration will set the FLASK_APPLICATION_ROOT environment variable. Run
in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration. -
flask-debug | boolean
Whether Flask debug mode is enabled.
flask-env | string
What environment the Flask app is running in, by default it's 'production'.
flask-permanent-session-lifetime | int
Time in seconds for the cookie to expire in the Flask application permanent sessions. This configuration will set the FLASK_PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME environment variable. Run
in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration. -
flask-preferred-url-scheme | string
Default: HTTPS
Scheme for generating external URLs when not in a request context in the Flask application. By default, it's "HTTPS". This configuration will set the FLASK_PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME environment variable. Run
in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration. -
flask-secret-key | string
The secret key used for securely signing the session cookie and for any other security related needs by your Flask application. This configuration will set the FLASK_SECRET_KEY environment variable. Run
in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration. -
flask-secret-key-id | secret
This configuration is similar to
, but instead accepts a Juju user secret ID. The secret should contain a single key, "value", which maps to the actual Flask secret key. To create the secret, run the following command:juju add-secret my-flask-secret-key value=<secret-string> && juju grant-secret my-flask-secret-key flask-k8s
, and use the output secret ID to configure this option. -
flask-session-cookie-secure | boolean
Set the secure attribute in the Flask application cookies. This configuration will set the FLASK_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE environment variable. Run
in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration. -
flavours | string
YAML configuration of the assignment of labels to flavours to which the job is to be routed. The format is comprised of a list of flavors with respective labels:
- flavour1: [label1, label2]
- flavour2: [label1, label3] If a job matches multiple flavours, the first flavour matching defined in this configuration will be used. Note that labels are treated case-insensitive.
log-level | string
Default: INFO
The log level to use for the application logs. Use any of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET
webhook-secret | string
The secret used to validate the webhook
webserver-keepalive | int
Time in seconds for webserver to wait for requests on a Keep-Alive connection.
webserver-threads | int
Run each webserver worker with the specified number of threads.
webserver-timeout | int
Time in seconds to kill and restart silent webserver workers.
webserver-worker-class | string
The webserver worker process class for handling requests. Can be either 'gevent' or 'sync'.
webserver-workers | int
The number of webserver worker processes for handling requests.