
  • By Omnivector Solutions
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Ubuntu 20.04 CentOS 7
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Ubuntu 20.04 CentOS 7
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Ubuntu 20.04 CentOS 7
juju deploy fluentbit
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20.04 CentOS 7


r"""Fluentbit charm libraries.

This library contains two main classes: `FluentbitProvider` and
`FluentbitClient`. `FluentbitProvider` class is instantiated in the Fluentbit
Server charm, and receives configuration data through a relation to other
charms. `FluentbitClient` class should be instantiated in any charm that wants
to ship logs via Fluentbit.

## Forwarding logs using Fluentbit

To forward logs from your charm to a centralized place using Fluentbit,
instantiate the `FluentbitClient()` class and handle the `relation_created`
event in your main charm code. In this event, your charm must pass all the
configuration parameters necessary to configure Fluentbit: the inputs, the
parsers, and the filters.

For example:

class MyCharm(CharmBase):
    def __init__(self, *args):

        self._fluentbit = FluentbitClient(self, "fluentbit")


    def _fluentbit_relation_created(self, event):
        cfg = [{"input": [("name",     "tail"),
                          ("path",     "/var/log/foo/bar.log"),
                          ("path_key", "filename"),
                          ("tag",      "foo"),
                          ("parser",   "bar")]},
               {"parser": [("name",        "bar"),
                           ("format",      "regex"),
                           ("regex",       "^\[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] (?<log>.*)$"),
                           ("time_key",    "time"),
                           ("time_format", "%Y-%m-%dT%H,%M,%S.%L")]}]

The configuration object must be a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary must
contain one key. The key must be the section of Fluentbit's processing
pipeline. Valid ones are:
- `input`
- `filter`
- `parser`
- `multiline_parser`
- `output`

The value of each key must be a list of all configuration entries. Each entry
is a tuple (or list) of values to be rendered in the configuration files.

Your charm's `metadata.yaml` should have the Fluentbit relation entry in the
`requires` section:

          interface: fluentbit

## FluentbitProvider class

This class receives the configuration data and forwards to the Fluentbit Charm,
to rewrite the configuration files and restart the service. This class should
only be instantiated by Fluentbit Charm.

## Caveats

The charm does not validate the configuration files before restarting the
service. It is the charm author's responsibility to ensure the configuration is

import logging
import json
from typing import List

from ops.framework import EventBase, EventSource, Object, ObjectEvents, StoredState
from ops.model import Relation

# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "e7b5ae1460034b9fb67cd4ec6aa3e87f"

# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes

# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FluentbitConfigurationAvailable(EventBase):
    """Emitted when configuration is available."""

class FluentbitEvents(ObjectEvents):
    """Fluentbit emitted events."""

    configuration_available = EventSource(FluentbitConfigurationAvailable)

class FluentbitProvider(Object):
    """Implement the provider side of the relation."""

    _state = StoredState()
    on = FluentbitEvents()

    def __init__(self, charm, relation_name: str):
        """Initialize the service provider.

            charm: a `CharmBase` instance that manages this instance of the
                   Fluentbit service.
            relation_name: string name of the relation that provides the
                           Fluentbit logging service.
        super().__init__(charm, relation_name)

        self.charm = charm
        self._relation_name = relation_name


        events = self.charm.on[relation_name]
        self.framework.observe(events.relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed)
        # TODO relation_broken should reconfigure with empty/default values,
        #      with care to not remove other entries from other relations

    def _on_relation_changed(self, event):
        """Get configuration from the client and trigger a reconfiguration."""
        cfg = event.relation.data[event.unit].get("configuration")
        logger.debug(f"## relation-changed: received: {cfg}")
        # TODO this only works for 1 relation, should extend for any number of
        #      relations, so it can support multiple outputs easily?
        if cfg:
            self._state.cfg = cfg

    def configuration(self) -> List[dict]:
        """Get the stored configuration.

            list of dictionaries with the configuration parameters.
        cfg = json.loads(self._state.cfg or '[]')
        logger.debug(f"## Fluentbit stored configuration: {cfg}")
        return cfg

class FluentbitClient(Object):
    """A client to relate to a Fluentbit Charm.

    This class implements the `requires` end of the relation, to configure

    The instantiating class must handle the `relation_created` event to
    configure Fluentbit:
    def __init__(self, charm, relation_name: str):
        """Initialize Fluentbit client.

            charm: a `CharmBase` object that manages this `FluentbitClient`
                   object. Typically this is `self` in the instantiating class.
            relation_name: string name of the relation between `charm` and the
                           Fluentbit charmed service.
        super().__init__(charm, relation_name)

        self._charm = charm
        self._relation_name = relation_name

    def configure(self, cfg: List[dict]):
        r"""Configure Fluentbit.

            cfg: a list of stuff to setup. Example:
                [{"input": [("name",     "tail"),
                            ("path",     "/var/log/slurm/slurmd.log"),
                            ("path_key", "filename"),
                            ("tag",      "slurmd"),
                            ("parser",   "slurm")]},
                 {"parser": [("name",        "slurm"),
                             ("format",      "regex"),
                             ("regex",       "^\[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] (?<message>.*)$"),
                             ("time_key",    "time"),
                             ("time_format", "%Y-%m-%dT%H,%M,%S.%L")]},
        # should we validate the input? how?
        logging.debug(f"## Seding configuration data to Fluentbit: {cfg}")
        self._relation.data[self.model.unit]["configuration"] = json.dumps(cfg)

    def _relation(self) -> Relation:
        """Return the relation."""
        return self.framework.model.get_relation(self._relation_name)