
FINOS Legend GitLab Integrator

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 35 14 Aug 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 35 08 Aug 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy finos-legend-gitlab-integrator-k8s
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  • access-token | string

    String access token for the GitLab API on the provided host.

  • api-scheme | string

    Default: https

    Scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) to use for the GitLab API.

  • application-name | string

    Default: Charmed FINOS Legend

    String name of the application to be created on GitLab for the Legend deployment. Must be unique on GitLab.

  • gitlab-client-id | string

    Client ID for a pre-created application already present on GitLab. If provided alongside 'gitlab-client-secret', the integrator will skip creating the application on GitLab and simply provide these application credentials to all the Legend components. Note that one must still manually update the GitLab application with the redirect URIs returned by the 'get-redirect-uris' action.

  • gitlab-client-secret | string

    Client secret for a pre-created application already present on GitLab. If provided alongside 'gitlab-client-id', the integrator will skip creating the application on GitLab and simply provide these application credentials to all the Legend components. Note that one must still manually update the GitLab application with the redirect URIs returned by the 'get-redirect-uris' action.

  • gitlab-host | string


    Hostname or IP of a GitLab installation.

  • gitlab-port | int

    Default: 443

    Port on the provided 'gitlab-host' to contact the API on.