
  • Discourse Charm Maintainers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 28 08 Apr 2021
Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy discourse-charmers-discourse-k8s
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Deploy the Discourse charm for the first time

What you’ll do

  • Deploy the Discourse charm
  • Integrate with nginx-ingress-integrator, postgresql-k8s and redis-k8s charms
  • Inspect the Kubernetes resources created

In this tutorial, we’ll go through each step of the process to get a basic Discourse deployment.


  • A laptop or desktop running Ubuntu (or you can use a VM).
  • Juju and Microk8s installed. We’ll also want to make sure the ingress add-on is enabled, which we can do by running microk8s enable ingress.


Set up environment

To easily clean up the resources and separate your workload from the contents of this tutorial, set up a new Juju model named discourse:

juju add-model discourse

Deploy the charms

Discourse requires connections to PostgreSQL and Redis. For more information, see the Charm Architecture.

NOTE: Discourse requires PostgreSQL extensions to be available in the relation.

Deploy the charms:

juju deploy redis-k8s --channel latest/edge
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust
juju deploy discourse-k8s

Enable the required PostgreSQL extensions:

juju config postgresql-k8s plugin_hstore_enable=True
juju config postgresql-k8s plugin_pg_trgm_enable=True

Integrate the charms

Integrate redis-k8s and postgresql-k8s to discourse-k8s:

juju integrate redis-k8s discourse-k8s
juju integrate discourse-k8s postgresql-k8s

By running juju status --relations the current state of the deployment can be queried:

Model      Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
discourse  microk8s    microk8s/localhost  3.1.7    unsupported  12:48:02+02:00

App             Version  Status  Scale  Charm           Channel      Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
discourse-k8s   3.2.0    active      1  discourse-k8s   stable        95  no       
postgresql-k8s  14.10    active      1  postgresql-k8s  14/stable    193   no       
redis-k8s       7.0.4    active      1  redis-k8s       latest/edge   27   no       

Unit               Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
discourse-k8s/0*   active    idle         
postgresql-k8s/0*  active    idle         
redis-k8s/0*       active    idle         

Integration provider           Requirer                       Interface          Type     Message
discourse-k8s:restart          discourse-k8s:restart          rolling_op         peer     
postgresql-k8s:database        discourse-k8s:database         postgresql_client  regular  
postgresql-k8s:database-peers  postgresql-k8s:database-peers  postgresql_peers   peer     
postgresql-k8s:restart         postgresql-k8s:restart         rolling_op         peer     
postgresql-k8s:upgrade         postgresql-k8s:upgrade         upgrade            peer     
redis-k8s:redis                discourse-k8s:redis            redis              regular  
redis-k8s:redis-peers          redis-k8s:redis-peers          redis-peers        peer     

The deployment finishes when all the charms show Active states.

Run kubectl get pods -n discourse to see the pods that are being created by the charms:

NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
modeloperator-64c58d675d-csj47   1/1     Running   0          5m30s
redis-k8s-0                      3/3     Running   0          5m22s
discourse-k8s-0                  2/2     Running   0          5m1s
postgresql-k8s-0                 2/2     Running   0          5m9s

Provide ingress capabilities

In order to expose the charm, the Nginx Ingress Integrator needs to be deployed and integrated with Discourse:

juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator
# If your cluster has RBAC enabled you'll be prompted to run the following:
juju trust nginx-ingress-integrator --scope=cluster

juju integrate discourse-k8s nginx-ingress-integrator

Create an admin user and log in

To create an admin user, use the create-user action:

juju run discourse-k8s/0 create-user admin=true email=email@example.com

The command will return the password of the created user. Discourse will be deployed with discourse-k8s as default hostname. In order to reach it, modify your /etc/hosts file so that it points to

echo discourse-k8s >> /etc/hosts

After that, visit http://discourse-k8s to reach Discourse, using the credentials returned from the create-user action to login.

Clean up the environment

Congratulations! You have successfully finished the Discourse tutorial. You can now remove the model environment that you’ve created using the following command:

juju destroy-model discourse --destroy-storage

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 3 months ago.