Containers Kubernetes Tigera Secure Ee

  • By Canonical Kubernetes | bundle
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 923 16 Dec 2021
latest/candidate 875 26 Oct 2021
latest/beta 923 15 Dec 2021
latest/edge 971 01 Feb 2022
juju deploy containers-kubernetes-tigera-secure-ee
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  • extra_sans | string

    A space-separated list of additional Subject Alternative Names (SAN) entries to include in the x509 certificate created for the load balancers.

  • ha-cluster-dns | string

    This option specifies the DNS entry to be used in conjunction with the HA Cluster subordinate charm. This option is mutually exclusive with the `ha-cluster-vip` option.

  • ha-cluster-vip | string

    A space-separated list of virtual IPs that the charm can utilize in conjunction with the HA Cluster subordinate charm. This option is mutually exclusive with the `ha-cluster-dns` option.

  • loadbalancer-ips | string

    A space-separated list of IP addresses of load balancers in front of the control plane. A common use case for this is having virtual IP addresses floated in front of the kubeapi-load-balancer charm. The workers will evenly distribute the load by alternating between the IP addresses in this list. For example, if you have 2 IPs and 4 workers, each IP will be used by 2 workers.

  • nginx-events-config | string

    This option allows the juju operator to configure directives inside the nginx events context in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. Provide a valid block of YAML. For instance: ```yaml worker_connections: 512 accept_mutex: "on" ``` The directives specified here modify how Nginx handles connections in general. For detailed information about these directives, refer to the upstream documentation:

  • nginx-http-config | string

    This option allows the juju operator to configure directives in the http context block of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. Provide a valid block of YAML. For instance: ```yaml client_max_body_size: 3m connection_pool_size: 256 ``` The directives specified here modify how Nginx handles HTTP or HTTPS connections. For detailed information about these directives, refer to the upstream documentation:

  • nginx-main-config | string

    This option allows the juju operator to configure directives in the main context block of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. Provide a valid block of YAML. For instance: ```yaml worker_rlimit_nofile: 1024 worker_processes: "auto" ``` The directives specified here have a broad impact on the entire NGINX configuration. For detailed information about these directives, refer to the upstream documentation:

  • proxy_read_timeout | int

    Default: 600

    The timeout in seconds for reading a response from proxy server.