Consul K8s Operator

  • OpenStack Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/edge 3 10 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 24.04
1.19/edge 3 Today
Ubuntu 24.04
juju deploy consul-k8s --channel edge
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Learn about configurations >

  • datacenter | string

    Default: dc1

    Name of the datacenter consul agent is running on.

  • expose-gossip-and-rpc-ports | boolean

    Exposes the server gossip port as node ports. Used for exposing consul-server on k8s to agents running on external VMs. Exposing RPC ports is not supported.

  • serflan-node-port | int

    Default: 30401

    Serflan port number to expose as node port. This port is used only when expose-gossip-and-rpc-ports is set to True. The range of valid ports is 30000-32767