- Charmcraft
- Monitoring
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 3 | 08 Apr 2021 |
juju deploy charmcraft-prometheus
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
evaluation-interval | string
Default: 1m
How frequently rules will be evaluated.
external-labels | string
Default: {}
A JSON string of key-value pairs that specify the labels to attach to metrics in this Prometheus instance when they get pulled by an aggregating parent. This is useful in the case of federation where, for example, you want each datacenter to have its own Prometheus instance and then have a global instance that pulls from each of these datacenter instances. By specifying a unique set of external-labels for each datacenter instance, you can easily determine in the aggregating Prometheus instance which datacenter a metric is coming from. Note that you are not limited to one instance per datacenter. The datacenter example here is arbitrary and you are free to organize your federation's hierarchy as you see fit. Ex. '{ "cluster": "datacenter1" }'. Both keys and values may be arbitrarily chosen as you see fit.
log-level | string
Prometheus server log level (only log messages with the given severity or above). Must be one of: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]. If not set, the Prometheus default one (info) will be used.
port | int
Default: 9090
The port prometheus will be listening on
prometheus-image-password | string
The password associated with prometheus-image-username for accessing the registry specified in prometheus-image-path.
prometheus-image-path | string
Default: prom/prometheus:latest
The location of the image to use, e.g. "".
This setting is required.
prometheus-image-username | string
The username for accessing the registry specified in prometheus-image-path.
scrape-interval | string
Default: 1m
How frequently to scrape targets by default.
scrape-timeout | string
Default: 10s
How long until a scrape request times out.
ssl-cert | string
SSL certificate to install and use for Prometheus endpoint.
ssl-key | string
SSL key to use with certificate specified as ssl-cert.
tsdb-retention-time | string
Default: 15d
How long to retain samples in the storage. Units Supported: y, w, d, h, m, s
tsdb-wal-compression | boolean
This flag enables compression of the write-ahead log (WAL). Depending on your data, you can expect the WAL size to be halved with little extra cpu load.
web-external-url | string
The URL under which Prometheus is externally reachable (for example, if Prometheus is served via a reverse proxy). Used for generating relative and absolute links back to Prometheus itself. If the URL has a path portion, it will be used to prefix all HTTP endpoints served by Prometheus.
If omitted, relevant URL components will be derived automatically.