Canonical Sysadmins Ubuntu Repository Cache

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 1 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy canonical-sysadmins-ubuntu-repository-cache
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20.04 18.04 16.04 14.04

Learn about configurations >

  • apache2_mpm_maxconnectionsperchild | int

    Maximum number of requests a server process serves

  • apache2_mpm_maxrequestworkers | int

    Default: 16384

    Maximum number of simultaneous client connections

  • apache2_mpm_maxsparethreads | int

    Default: 200

    Maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare

  • apache2_mpm_minsparethreads | int

    Default: 100

    Minimum number of worker threads which are kept spare

  • apache2_mpm_serverlimit | int

    Default: 256

    Upper limit on configurable number of processes

  • apache2_mpm_startservers | int

    Default: 2

    Initial number of server processes to start

  • apache2_mpm_threadlimit | int

    Default: 64

    Sets the upper limit on the configurable number of threads per child process

  • apache2_mpm_threadsperchild | int

    Default: 64

    Constant number of worker threads in each server process

  • apache2_mpm_type | string

    Default: worker

    Select the worker or prefork multi-processing module

  • apache2_server_signature | string

    Default: On

    Security setting. Set to one of On Off EMail

  • apache2_server_tokens | string

    Default: OS

    Security setting. Set to one of Full OS Minimal Minor Major Prod

  • apache2_trace_enabled | string

    Default: Off

    Security setting. Set to one of On Off extended

  • cache-storage-size | int

    Configurable option (in MBytes) to tune/override storage used by squid cache. If 0 or unset, then auto-calculate.

  • display-host | string


    The hostname displayed in certain contexts, for example Apache directory listings. This is not required to be exactly the same as the logical hostname of the deployment (for example, can use the default, but should be changed if the archive type is non-default (e.g.

  • ephemeral-devices | string

    Provide a comma-separated list of storages devices to use for metadata and squid cache storage. Leave this empty if only the root disk will be used. the device(s) will be formatted and mounted during charm installation. This option must be set at in itial charm deployment. Changes after deployment will not effect running units, only newly added units. An example would be '/dev/xvdb,/dev/xvdc' to specify two ephemeral disks for cache storage.

  • logrotate_count | int

    Default: 7

    The number of days we want to retain logs for

  • logrotate_dateext | boolean

    Default: True

    Use daily extension like YYYMMDD instead of simply adding a number

  • logrotate_rotate | string

    Default: daily

    daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly?

  • mirror-series | string

    A space-separated list of ubuntu series metadata to mirror. An empty or blank string will mirror everything.

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • path-base | string

    Default: ubuntu

    The base URI path of the site you want to mirror. At the moment, this may only be a single-level base (no directory slashes). Default is ubuntu.

  • remoteip_logging | boolean

    Enables configuration that treats incoming connections to Apache from RFC1918 addresses as proxy connections and logs the contents of the X-Forwarded-For header (if any) to the Apache logs.

  • rsync-module | string

    Default: ubuntu

    The rsync module to sync from on sync-host, normally the same as path-base. Default is ubuntu.

  • squid_snmp | boolean

    Enable SNMP for Squid (bound on localhost:3401, community "public")

  • sync-age-crit | int

    Default: 21600

    Age (in seconds) of CRITICAL level in Nagios check for cache sync.

  • sync-age-warn | int

    Default: 10800

    Age (in seconds) of WARNING level in Nagios check for cache sync.

  • sync-host | string


    The DNS or IP of the site you want to mirror. Default is

  • sync-on-start | boolean

    Default: True

    Pull data from the sync-host during inital charm deployment. This should be true if deploying a single unit and false if deploying multiple units to reduce initial startup time.

  • update-unit-apt-sources | boolean

    Default: True

    Whether to configure the units' sources.list to point to upstream sync-host directly, to avoid chicken/egg problems when bootstrapping a cloud. Default is true; disable if mirrored distro or archive type does not match the unit host.