Canonical Kubernetes

  • Canonical Kubernetes | bundle
Channel Revision Published
latest/edge 27 06 Mar 2025
1.32/candidate 20 04 Feb 2025
1.32/beta 22 04 Feb 2025
1.32/edge 21 04 Feb 2025
1.31/edge 12 22 Nov 2024
1.30/beta 9 07 May 2024
juju deploy canonical-kubernetes --channel edge
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  • bootstrap-datastore | string

    Default: dqlite

    The datastore to use in Canonical Kubernetes. This cannot be changed after deployment. Allowed values are "dqlite" and "etcd". If "etcd" is chosen, the charm should be integrated with the etcd charm.

  • bootstrap-node-taints | string

    Space-separated list of taints to apply to this node at registration time. This config is only used at bootstrap time when Kubelet first registers the node with Kubernetes. To change node taints after deploy time, use kubectl instead. For more information, see the upstream Kubernetes documentation about taints:

  • bootstrap-pod-cidr | string


    Comma-separated CIDR blocks for IP addresses that can be assigned to pods within the cluster. Can contain at most 2 blocks, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6. After deployment it is not possible to change the size of the IP range. Examples: - "" - "2001:db8::/32" - ",2001:db8::/32" - "2001:db8::/32,"

  • bootstrap-service-cidr | string


    Comma-separated CIDR blocks for IP addresses that can be assigned to services within the cluster. Can contain at most 2 blocks, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6. After deployment it is not possible to change the size of the IP range. Examples: - "" - "2001:db8::/32" - ",2001:db8::/32" - "2001:db8::/32,"

  • cluster-annotations | string

    Space-separated list of (key/value) pairs) that can be used to add arbitrary metadata configuration to the Canonical Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see the upstream Canonical Kubernetes documentation about annotations: Example: e.g.: key1=value1 key2=value2

  • containerd-custom-registries | string

    Default: []

    Registry endpoints and credentials. Setting this config allows containerd to pull images from registries where auth is required. The value for this config must be a JSON array of credential objects, like this: e.g.: [{"url": "", "host": "my.registry:port", "username": "user", "password": "pass"}] Credential Object Parameters: url: REQUIRED str the URL to the registry, include the port if not it isn't implied from the schema. e.g: "url": "https://my.registry:8443" e.g: "url": "http://my.registry" host: OPTIONAL str - defaults to auto-generated from the url could be registry host address or a name e.g.:, e.g.:, myregistry Note: It will be derived from `url` if not provided. e.g.: "url": "" --> "host": "" username: OPTIONAL str - default '' password: OPTIONAL str - default '' identitytoken: OPTIONAL str - default '' Used by containerd for basic authentication to the registry. ca_file: OPTIONAL str - default '' cert_file: OPTIONAL str - default '' key_file: OPTIONAL str - default '' For ssl/tls communication these should be a base64 encoded file e.g.: "ca_file": "'"$(base64 -w 0 < my.custom.registry.pem)"'" skip_verify: OPTIONAL bool - default false For situations where the registry has self-signed or expired certs and a quick work-around is necessary. e.g.: "skip_verify": true Example config: juju config k8s containerd_custom_registries='[{ "url": "", "host": "", "ca_file": "'"$(base64 -w 0 < ~/"'", "cert_file": "'"$(base64 -w 0 < ~/my.custom.cert.pem)"'", "key_file": "'"$(base64 -w 0 < ~/my.custom.key.pem)"'", }]'

  • dns-cluster-domain | string

    Default: cluster.local

    Sets the local domain of the cluster

  • dns-enabled | boolean

    Default: True

    Enable/Disable the DNS feature on the cluster.

  • dns-service-ip | string

    Sets the IP address of the dns service. If omitted defaults to the IP address of the Kubernetes service created by the feature. Can be used to point to an external dns server when feature is disabled.

  • dns-upstream-nameservers | string

    Space-separated list of upstream nameservers used to forward queries for out-of-cluster endpoints. If omitted defaults to `/etc/resolv.conf` and uses the nameservers on each node.

  • gateway-enabled | boolean

    Enable/Disable the gateway feature on the cluster.

  • ingress-enable-proxy-protocol | boolean

    Determines if the proxy protocol should be enabled for ingresses.

  • ingress-enabled | boolean

    Determines if the ingress feature should be enabled.

  • kube-apiserver-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kube-apiserver. Notes: Options may only be set on charm deployment For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-apiserver being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • kube-apiserver-extra-sans | string

    Space separated list of extra Subject Alternative Names for the kube-apiserver self-signed certificates. Examples: - "kubernetes" - "kubernetes.default.svc" - "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"

  • kube-controller-manager-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kube-controller-manager. Notes: Options may only be set on charm deployment cluster-name: cannot be overridden For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-controller-manager being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • kube-proxy-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kube-proxy. Notes: Options may only be set on charm deployment For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-proxy being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • kube-scheduler-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kube-scheduler. Notes: Options may only be set on charm deployment For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-scheduler being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • kubelet-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kubelet. Notes: Options may only be set on charm deployment For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kubelet being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • load-balancer-bgp-local-asn | int

    Default: 64512

    Local ASN for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-bgp-mode is set to true.

  • load-balancer-bgp-mode | boolean

    Enable/Disable BGP mode for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-enabled is set to true.

  • load-balancer-bgp-peer-address | string

    Address of the BGP peer for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-bgp-mode is set to true.

  • load-balancer-bgp-peer-port | int

    Default: 179

    Port of the BGP peer for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-bgp-mode is set to true.

  • load-balancer-cidrs | string

    Space-separated list of CIDRs to use for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-enabled is set to true.

  • load-balancer-enabled | boolean

    Enable/Disable the load balancer feature on the cluster.

  • load-balancer-l2-interfaces | string

    Space-separated list of interfaces to use for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-l2-mode is set to true. if unset, all interfaces will be used.

  • load-balancer-l2-mode | boolean

    Enable/Disable L2 mode for the load balancer. This is only used if load-balancer-enabled is set to true.

  • local-storage-enabled | boolean

    Default: True

    Enable local storage provisioning. This will create a storage class named "local-storage" that uses the hostPath provisioner. This is useful for development and testing purposes. It is not recommended for production use.

  • local-storage-local-path | string

    Default: /var/snap/k8s/common/rawfile-storage

    The path on the host where local storage will be provisioned. This path must be writable by the kubelet. This is only used if local-storage.enabled is set to true.

  • local-storage-reclaim-policy | string

    Default: Delete

    The reclaim policy for local storage. This can be either "Delete" or "Retain". If set to "Delete", the storage will be deleted when the PersistentVolumeClaim is deleted. If set to "Retain", the storage will be retained when the PersistentVolumeClaim is deleted.

  • metrics-server-enabled | boolean

    Default: True

    Enable/Disable the metrics-server feature on the cluster.

  • network-enabled | boolean

    Default: True

    Enables or disables the network feature.

  • node-labels | string

    Labels can be used to organize and to select subsets of nodes in the cluster. Declare node labels in key=value format, separated by spaces.