Tigera Calico Enterprise Charm

  • By Canonical Kubernetes
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 5 11 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/candidate 7 15 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/beta 5 17 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 5 25 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.30/stable 5 11 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.30/beta 5 19 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.30/edge 5 25 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.29/stable 7 17 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.29/candidate 7 15 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
1.29/beta 5 17 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy calico-enterprise
Show information


22.04 20.04

Calico is a new approach to virtual networking and network security for containers, VMs, and bare metal services, that provides a rich set of security enforcement capabilities running on top of a highly scalable and efficient virtual network fabric.

This charm will deploy calico as a background service, and configure CNI for use with calico, on any principal charm that implements the kubernetes-cni interface.


The calico charm is a subordinate. This charm will require a principal charm that implements the kubernetes-cni interface in order to properly deploy.

juju deploy calico
juju deploy etcd
juju deploy kubernetes-control-plane
juju deploy kubernetes-worker
juju add-relation calico etcd
juju add-relation calico kubernetes-control-plane
juju add-relation calico kubernetes-worker