andybavier Neutron Api

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 1 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
latest/edge 1 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy andybavier-neutron-api
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  • action-managed-upgrade | boolean

    If True enables openstack upgrades for this charm via juju actions. You will still need to set openstack-origin to the new repository but instead of an upgrade running automatically across all units, it will wait for you to execute the openstack-upgrade action for this charm on each unit. If False it will revert to existing behavior of upgrading all units on config change.

  • calico-origin | string

    Repository from which to install Calico packages. If set, must be a PPA URL, of the form ppa:somecustom/ppa. Changing this value after installation will force an immediate software upgrade.

  • database | string

    Default: neutron

    Database name for Neutron (if enabled)

  • database-user | string

    Default: neutron

    Username for Neutron database access (if enabled)

  • debug | boolean

    Enable debug logging.

  • dhcp-agents-per-network | int

    Default: 1

    The number of dhcp agents to be deployed per network. Note that if the Calico plugin is being used, this option has no effect.

  • enable-dvr | boolean

    Enable Distributed Virtual Routing (juno and above).

  • enable-l3ha | boolean

    Enable L3 HA (juno and above).

  • enable-ml2-port-security | boolean

    Enable port security extension for ML2 plugin (>= kilo).

  • extra-key | string

    Optional key for archive containing additional packages.

  • extra-source | string

    Optional source for archive containing additional packages.

  • flat-network-providers | string

    Space-delimited list of Neutron flat network providers.

  • ha-bindiface | string

    Default: eth0

    Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster.

  • ha-mcastport | int

    Default: 5424

    Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes.

  • haproxy-client-timeout | int

    Client timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 30000ms is used.

  • haproxy-connect-timeout | int

    Connect timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 5000ms is used.

  • haproxy-queue-timeout | int

    Queue timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 5000ms is used.

  • haproxy-server-timeout | int

    Server timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 30000ms is used.

  • l2-population | boolean

    Default: True

    Populate the forwarding tables of virtual switches (LinuxBridge or OVS), to decrease broadcast traffics inside the physical networks fabric while using overlays networks (VXLan, GRE).

  • manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode | boolean

    Default: True

    If True neutron-server will install neutron packages for the plugin configured.

  • max-l3-agents-per-router | int

    Default: 2

    Maximum number of l3 agents to host a router. Only used when enable-l3ha is True

  • min-l3-agents-per-router | int

    Default: 2

    Minimum number of l3 agents to host a router. Only used when enable-l3ha is True

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • network-device-mtu | int

    The MTU size for interfaces managed by neutron. If unset or set to 0, no value will be applied. This value will be provided to neutron-plugin-api relations.

  • neutron-external-network | string

    Default: ext_net

    Name of the external network for floating IP addresses provided by Neutron.

  • neutron-plugin | string

    Default: ovs

    Neutron plugin to use for network management; supports . ovs - OpenvSwitch Plugin onosvtn - ONOS VTN Plugin vsp - Nuage Networks VSP nsx - VMWare NSX Calico - Project Calico Networking .

  • neutron-security-groups | boolean

    Use quantum for security group management.

  • nsx-controllers | string

    Space delimited addresses of NSX controllers

  • nsx-l3-uuid | string

    This is uuid of the default NSX L3 Gateway Service.

  • nsx-password | string

    Default: admin

    Password to connect to NSX controllers with

  • nsx-tz-uuid | string

    This is uuid of the default NSX Transport zone that will be used for creating tunneled isolated Quantum networks. It needs to be created in NSX before starting Quantum with the nsx plugin.

  • nsx-username | string

    Default: admin

    Username to connect to NSX controllers with

  • nuage-tarball-url | string

    Optional URL to tarball containing Nuage python packages.

  • onos-vtn-ip | string


    IP address of the ONOS instance running the VTN app.

  • onos-vtn-password | string

    Default: karaf

    Login password for the ONOS instance running the VTN app.

  • onos-vtn-username | string

    Default: karaf

    Login user for the ONOS instance running the VTN app.

  • openstack-origin | string

    Default: distro

    Repository from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry, or a supported Cloud Archive release pocket. Supported Cloud Archive sources include: cloud:<series>-<openstack-release> cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/updates cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/staging cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/proposed For series=Precise we support cloud archives for openstack-release: * icehouse For series=Trusty we support cloud archives for openstack-release: * juno * kilo * ... NOTE: updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade. NOTE: when openstack-origin-git is specified, openstack specific packages will be installed from source rather than from the openstack-origin repository.

  • openstack-origin-git | string

    Specifies a YAML-formatted dictionary listing the git repositories and branches from which to install OpenStack and its dependencies. Note that the installed config files will be determined based on the OpenStack release of the openstack-origin option. For more details see

  • os-admin-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Admin network (e.g., . This network will be used for admin endpoints.

  • os-internal-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Internal network (e.g., . This network will be used for internal endpoints.

  • os-public-hostname | string

    The hostname or address of the public endpoints created for neutron-api in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for public endpoints. For example, an os-public-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: .

  • os-public-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Public network (e.g., . This network will be used for public endpoints.

  • overlay-network-type | string

    Default: gre

    Overlay network types to use, valid options include: . gre vxlan . Multiple types can be provided - field is space delimited.

  • plumgrid-password | string

    Default: plumgrid

    Password to access PLUMgrid Director

  • plumgrid-username | string

    Default: plumgrid

    Username to access PLUMgrid Director

  • plumgrid-virtual-ip | string

    IP address of PLUMgrid Director

  • prefer-ipv6 | boolean

    If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. . NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface.

  • quota-floatingip | int

    Default: 50

    Number of floating IPs allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-health-monitors | int

    Default: -1

    Number of health monitors allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited. The default is unlimited because a health monitor is not a real resource consumer on Openstack. However, on back-end, a member is a resource consumer and that is the reason why quota is possible.

  • quota-member | int

    Default: -1

    Number of pool members allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited. The default is unlimited because a member is not a real resource consumer on Openstack. However, on back-end, a member is a resource consumer and that is the reason why quota is possible.

  • quota-network | int

    Default: 10

    Number of networks allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-pool | int

    Default: 10

    Number of pools allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-port | int

    Default: 50

    Number of ports allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-router | int

    Default: 10

    Number of routers allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-security-group | int

    Default: 10

    Number of security groups allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-security-group-rule | int

    Default: 100

    Number of security group rules allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited

  • quota-subnet | int

    Default: 10

    Number of subnets allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • quota-vip | int

    Default: 10

    Number of vips allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.

  • rabbit-user | string

    Default: neutron

    Username used to access rabbitmq queue

  • rabbit-vhost | string

    Default: openstack

    Rabbitmq vhost

  • region | string

    Default: RegionOne

    OpenStack Region

  • ssl_ca | string

    SSL CA to use with the certificate and key provided - this is only required if you are providing a privately signed ssl_cert and ssl_key.

  • ssl_cert | string

    SSL certificate to install and use for API ports. Setting this value and ssl_key will enable reverse proxying, point Neutron's entry in the Keystone catalog to use https, and override any certficiate and key issued by Keystone (if it is configured to do so).

  • ssl_key | string

    SSL key to use with certificate specified as ssl_cert.

  • use-syslog | boolean

    Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.

  • verbose | boolean

    Enable verbose logging.

  • vip | string

    Virtual IP(s) to use to front API services in HA configuration. . If multiple networks are being used, a VIP should be provided for each network, separated by spaces.

  • vip_cidr | int

    Default: 24

    Default CIDR netmask to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.

  • vip_iface | string

    Default: eth0

    Default network interface to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.

  • vlan-ranges | string

    Default: physnet1:1000:2000

    Space-delimited list of <physical_network>:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max> or <physical_network> specifying physical_network names usable for VLAN provider and tenant networks, as well as ranges of VLAN tags on each available for allocation to tenant networks.

  • vsd-auth | string

    Default: csproot:csproot

    Username Password to connect to Nuage VSD Server

  • vsd-auth-resource | string

    Default: /me

    Nuage VSD authentication resource

  • vsd-auth-ssl | boolean

    Default: True

    SSL authentication of the Nuage VSD Server

  • vsd-base-uri | string

    Default: /nuage/api/v3_0

    Nuage VSD API endpoint URI

  • vsd-netpart-name | string

    Default: juju-enterprise

    Name of the Organization or Enterprise to create in Nuage VSD

  • vsd-organization | string

    Default: csp

    Name of the organization in Nuage VSD

  • vsd-server | string

    Nuage VSD Server

  • worker-multiplier | int

    Default: 2

    The CPU core multiplier to use when configuring worker processes for Neutron. By default, the number of workers for each daemon is set to twice the number of CPU cores a service unit has.