Alai Kibana

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 0 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.10 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy alai-kibana
Show information


18.04 16.10 16.04 14.04

Learn about configurations >

  • extra_packages | string

    Space separated list of extra deb packages to install.

  • firewall_enabled | boolean

    this option will enable or disable the ufw. By default this is set to 'false' since the firewall is never enabled when a machine or container is created with juju. Set to 'true' to enable firewall. Once enabled rules will be added when another charm has a relation with elasticsearch. This charm will be able to access elasticsearch on port 9200, while all the other traffice to that port will be blocked. Enabling the firewall will also allow port 22 from anywhere.

  • host | string


    listen address

  • install_keys | string

    Default: - | -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) mQENBFI3HsoBCADXDtbNJnxbPqB1vDNtCsqhe49vFYsZN9IOZsZXgp7aHjh6CJBD A+bGFOwyhbd7at35jQjWAw1O3cfYsKAmFy+Ar3LHCMkV3oZspJACTIgCrwnkic/9 CUliQe324qvObU2QRtP4Fl0zWcfb/S8UYzWXWIFuJqMvE9MaRY1bwUBvzoqavLGZ j3SF1SPO+TB5QrHkrQHBsmX+Jda6d4Ylt8/t6CvMwgQNlrlzIO9WT+YN6zS+sqHd 1YK/aY5qhoLNhp9G/HxhcSVCkLq8SStj1ZZ1S9juBPoXV1ZWNbxFNGwOh/NYGldD 2kmBf3YgCqeLzHahsAEpvAm8TBa7Q9W21C8vABEBAAG0RUVsYXN0aWNzZWFyY2gg KEVsYXN0aWNzZWFyY2ggU2lnbmluZyBLZXkpIDxkZXZfb3BzQGVsYXN0aWNzZWFy Y2gub3JnPokBOAQTAQIAIgUCUjceygIbAwYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgEC F4AACgkQ0n1mbNiOQrRzjAgAlTUQ1mgo3nK6BGXbj4XAJvuZDG0HILiUt+pPnz75 nsf0NWhqR4yGFlmpuctgCmTD+HzYtV9fp9qW/bwVuJCNtKXk3sdzYABY+Yl0Cez/ 7C2GuGCOlbn0luCNT9BxJnh4mC9h/cKI3y5jvZ7wavwe41teqG14V+EoFSn3NPKm TxcDTFrV7SmVPxCBcQze00cJhprKxkuZMPPVqpBS+JfDQtzUQD/LSFfhHj9eD+Xe 8d7sw+XvxB2aN4gnTlRzjL1nTRp0h2/IOGkqYfIG9rWmSLNlxhB2t+c0RsjdGM4/ eRlPWylFbVMc5pmDpItrkWSnzBfkmXL3vO2X3WvwmSFiQbkBDQRSNx7KAQgA5JUl zcMW5/cuyZR8alSacKqhSbvoSqqbzHKcUQZmlzNMKGTABFG1yRx9r+wa/fvqP6OT RzRDvVS/cycws8YX7Ddum7x8uI95b9ye1/Xy5noPEm8cD+hplnpU+PBQZJ5XJ2I+ 1l9Nixx47wPGXeClLqcdn0ayd+v+Rwf3/XUJrvccG2YZUiQ4jWZkoxsA07xx7Bj+ Lt8/FKG7sHRFvePFU0ZS6JFx9GJqjSBbHRRkam+4emW3uWgVfZxuwcUCn1ayNgRt KiFv9jQrg2TIWEvzYx9tywTCxc+FFMWAlbCzi+m4WD+QUWWfDQ009U/WM0ks0Kww EwSk/UDuToxGnKU2dQARAQABiQEfBBgBAgAJBQJSNx7KAhsMAAoJENJ9ZmzYjkK0 c3MIAIE9hAR20mqJWLcsxLtrRs6uNF1VrpB+4n/55QU7oxA1iVBO6IFu4qgsF12J TavnJ5MLaETlggXY+zDef9syTPXoQctpzcaNVDmedwo1SiL03uMoblOvWpMR/Y0j 6rm7IgrMWUDXDPvoPGjMl2q1iTeyHkMZEyUJ8SKsaHh4jV9wp9KmC8C+9CwMukL7 vM5w8cgvJoAwsp3Fn59AxWthN3XJYcnMfStkIuWgR7U2r+a210W6vnUxU4oN0PmM cursYPyeV0NX/KQeUeNMwGTFB6QHS/anRaGQewijkrYYoTNtfllxIu9XYmiBERQ/ qPDlGRlOgVTd9xUfHFkzB52c70E= =92oX -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    list of signing keys for install_sources package sources, per charmhelpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). the keys should be the full ascii armoured gpg public keys. while gpg key ids are also supported and looked up on a keyserver, operators should be aware that this mechanism is insecure. null can be used if a standard package signing key is used that will already be installed on the machine, and for ppa sources where the package signing key is securely retrieved from launchpad.

  • install_sources | string

    Default: - 'deb stable main'

    list of extra apt sources, per charm-helpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). each source may be either a line that can be added directly to sources.list(5), or in the form ppa:<user>/<ppa-name> for adding personal package archives, or a distribution component to enable.

  • package_status | string

    Default: install

    The status of service-affecting packages will be set to this value in the dpkg database. Valid values are "install" and "hold".

  • port | int

    Default: 80

    Kibana frontend http port