
  • By Canonical IS DevOps
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 414 16 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 421 Today
Ubuntu 22.04
1/stable 303 30 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
1/edge 345 31 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy synapse --channel 1/stable
Show information


How to contribute


This document explains the processes and practices recommended for contributing enhancements to the Synapse operator.

  • Generally, before developing enhancements to this charm, you should consider opening an issue explaining your use case.
  • If you would like to chat with us about your use-cases or proposed implementation, you can reach us at Canonical Matrix public channel or Discourse.
  • Familiarising yourself with the Charmed Operator Framework library will help you a lot when working on new features or bug fixes.
  • All enhancements require review before being merged. Code review typically examines
    • code quality
    • test coverage
    • user experience for Juju operators of this charm.
  • Please help us out in ensuring easy to review branches by rebasing your pull request branch onto the main branch. This also avoids merge commits and creates a linear Git commit history.
  • Please generate src documentation for every commit. See the section below for more details.


The code for this charm can be downloaded as follows:

git clone

You can use the environments created by tox for development:

tox --notest -e unit
source .tox/unit/bin/activate


Note that the Synapse and Synapse NGINX images need to be built and pushed to microk8s for the tests to run. They should be tagged as localhost:32000/synapse:latest and localhost:32000/synapse-nginx:latest so that Kubernetes knows how to pull them from the MicroK8s repository. Note that the MicroK8s registry needs to be enabled using microk8s enable registry. More details regarding the OCI images below. The following commands can then be used to run the tests:

  • tox: Runs all of the basic checks (lint, unit, static, and coverage-report).
  • tox -e fmt: Runs formatting using black and isort.
  • tox -e lint: Runs a range of static code analysis to check the code.
  • tox -e static: Runs other checks such as bandit for security issues.
  • tox -e unit: Runs the unit tests.
  • tox -e integration: Runs the integration tests.

Generating src docs for every commit

Run the following command:

echo -e "tox -e src-docs\ngit add src-docs\n" >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Build charm

Build the charm in this git repository using:

charmcraft pack

For the integration tests (and also to deploy the charm locally), the synapse and synapse-nginx images are required in the microk8s registry. To enable it:

microk8s enable registry

The following commands import the images in the Docker daemon and push them into the registry:

cd [project_dir]/synapse_rock && rockcraft pack
skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false oci-archive:synapse_1.0_amd64.rock docker://localhost:32000/synapse:latest
cd [project_dir]/nginx_rock && rockcraft pack
skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false oci-archive:synapse-nginx_1.0_amd64.rock docker://localhost:32000/synapse-nginx:latest


# Create a model
juju add-model synapse-dev
# Enable DEBUG logging
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=INFO;unit=DEBUG"
# Deploy the charm (assuming you're on amd64)
juju deploy ./synapse_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm \
  --resource synapse-image=localhost:32000/synapse:latest \
  --resource synapse-nginx-image=localhost:32000/synapse-nginx:latest

Configure server_name

Synapse requires a server_name to be set before starting. Note that this cannot be changed later so if you want a different server name, will need to run the action reset-instance to re-create everything.

The following command will configure the server_name

juju configure synapse

Read more about server_name in Configuring Synapse.

Canonical Contributor Agreement

Canonical welcomes contributions to the Synapse Operator. Please check out our contributor agreement if you’re interested in contributing to the solution.