Prometheus Juju Exporter

  • By Canonical BootStack Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 12 01 Nov 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
latest/candidate 12 12 Oct 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
latest/edge 13 04 Apr 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
juju deploy prometheus-juju-exporter
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22.04 20.04 18.04

Learn about configurations >

  • cloud-name | string

    Arbitrary name for a cloud/deployment. This name will be added as label to collected metrics. It's useful when Prometheus collects metrics from multiple controllers.

  • controller-ca-cert | string

    This option is necessary only if if this exporter targets external controller (i.e. different controller than one deploying this charm). It should contain `base64` encoded CA certificate of the targeted juju controller.

  • controller-url | string

    Endpoint of a juju controller in format <IP>:<PORT>. In case the controller has HA enabled, this option can contain multiple, comma-separated, <IP>:<PORT> values. This is intended only to support HA Juju controller setup, it is not meant to be used for specifying multiple standalone controllers.

  • customer | string

    Name of the customer that will be added as label to collected metrics. It's useful when Prometheus collects metrics from multiple organizations/customers.

  • debug | boolean

    Whether to enable debug mode. If set to True, the snap will produce debug level log messages.

  • juju-password | string

    Password for juju user

  • juju-user | string

    Username that will be used to log into juju controller

  • match-interfaces | string

    Default: ^(en[os]|eth)\d+|enp\d+s\d+|enx[0-9a-f]+

    Interface names that should be considered when detecting machine type. This option takes a regular expression that should match "real" interfaces on the machines. Usage of this option prevents virtual interfaces like 'virbr0' from being considered, avoiding physical machines to be potentially mislabeled as VM guests. Leaving this option empty will default to matching all interfaces.

  • scrape-interval | int

    Default: 15

    This option dictates how often exporter updates its data and how often should Prometheus scrape them.(In minutes)

  • scrape-port | int

    Default: 5000

    Port to which prometheus exporter is bound.

  • scrape-timeout | int

    Default: 30

    How long should Prometheus wait for response to scrape request before timing out (In seconds)

  • virtual-macs | string

    Default: 52:54:00,fa:16:3e,06:f1:3a,00:0d:3a,00:50:56

    The list of MAC address prefixes to be considered as virtual machines. The default value contains some of the most common MAC prefixes seen in virtual environment (QEMU, Microsoft, and VMWare). This configuration accepts comma-separated MAC prefixes in string format.