Nottrobin Gunicorn

  • By Robin Winslow
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 4 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy nottrobin-gunicorn
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Learn about configurations >

  • env_extra | string

    List of environment variables for the wsgi process. e.g. FOO="bar" BAZ="1 2 3"

  • listen_ip | string


    IP adresses that Gunicorn will listen on. By default we listen on all of them.

  • pid_file | string

    Default: /tmp/

    Background PID file.

  • port | int

    Default: 8080

    Port the application will be listenning.

  • python_path | string

    Set an additionnal PYTHONPATH to the project.

  • wsgi_access_logfile | string

    The Access log file to write to.

  • wsgi_access_logformat | string

    The Access log format. Don't forget to escape all quotes and round brackets.

  • wsgi_backlog | int

    Default: 2048

    The maximum number of pending connections.

  • wsgi_extra | string

    Space separated extra settings. For example: --debug

  • wsgi_group | string

    Default: www-data

    Switch worker process to run as this group. A valid group id (as an int) or the name.

  • wsgi_keep_alive | int

    Default: 2

    Keep alive time in seconds.

  • wsgi_log_file | string

    Default: -

    The log file to write to. If empty the logs would be handle by upstart.

  • wsgi_log_level | string

    Default: info

    The granularity of Error log outputs.

  • wsgi_max_requests | int

    The maximum number of requests a worker will process before restarting.

  • wsgi_timeout | int

    Default: 30

    Timeout of a request in seconds.

  • wsgi_timestamp | string

    The variable to modify to trigger Gunicorn reload.

  • wsgi_umask | string

    Default: 0

    A bit mask for the file mode on files written by Gunicorn. The number 0 means Python guesses the base. Note that this affects unix socket permissions.

  • wsgi_user | string

    Default: www-data

    Switch worker processes to run as this user. User id (as an int) or the name.

  • wsgi_worker_class | string

    Default: sync

    Gunicorn workers type. Can be: sync, eventlet, gevent, tornado

  • wsgi_worker_connections | int

    Default: 1000

    The maximum number of simultaneous clients.

  • wsgi_workers | int

    The number of worker process for handling requests. 0 for count(cpu) + 1

  • wsgi_wsgi_file | string

    Default: wsgi

    The name of the WSGI application.