Neutron Openvswitch

  • OpenStack Charmers
  • Cloud
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/edge 562 16 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 561 16 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 560 16 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 559 16 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 543 25 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 541 27 Sep 2023
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 540 09 Aug 2023
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 520 05 Jul 2022
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 261 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 24 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 24.04 Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
yoga/stable 539 26 Jul 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
zed/stable 530 23 Jan 2023
Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04
xena/stable 523 31 Aug 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
wallaby/stable 524 23 Jan 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
victoria/stable 525 23 Jan 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
ussuri/stable 526 23 Jan 2023
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
train/candidate 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
train/edge 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
stein/candidate 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
stein/edge 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
rocky/candidate 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
rocky/edge 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
queens/candidate 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
queens/edge 529 28 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 18.04
2024.1/candidate 549 03 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04
2024.1/candidate 541 24 Jan 2024
Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04
2023.2/stable 542 30 Nov 2023
Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 22.04
2023.1/stable 535 02 Jun 2023
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy neutron-openvswitch --channel yoga/stable
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24.04 23.10 23.04 22.10 22.04 20.04 18.04 14.04 +1

Learn about configurations >

  • bridge-mappings | string

    Default: physnet1:br-data

    Space-delimited list of ML2 data bridge mappings with format <provider>:<bridge>.

  • data-port | string

    Space-delimited list of bridge:port mappings. Specified ports will be added to their corresponding specified bridge. The bridges will allow usage of flat or VLAN network types with Neutron and should match this defined in bridge-mappings. . Ports can be specified through the name or MAC address of the interface to be added to the bridge. If MAC addresses are used, you may provide multiple bridge:mac for the same bridge so as to be able to configure multiple units. In this case the charm will run through the provided MAC addresses for each bridge until it finds one it can resolve to an interface name. Port can also be a linuxbridge bridge. In this case a veth pair will be created, the ovs bridge and the linuxbridge bridge will be connected. It can be useful to connect the ovs bridge to juju bridge. . Any changes (subsequent to the initial setting) made to the value of this option will merely add the new values along with the existing ones. If removal of old values is desired, they have to be done manually through the command "ovs-vsctl" in the affected units. If the new values conflict with the previous ones, it may cause a network outage as seen in bug

  • debug | boolean

    Enable debug logging.

  • disable-mlockall | boolean

    Disable Open vSwitch use of mlockall(). . When mlockall() is enabled, all of ovs-vswitchd's process memory is locked into physical RAM and prevented from paging. This avoids network interruptions but can lead to memory exhaustion in memory-constrained environments. . By default, the charm will disable mlockall() if it is running in a container. Otherwise, the charm will default to mlockall() enabled if it is not running in a container. . Changing this config option will restart openvswitch-switch, resulting in an expected data plane outage while the service restarts. . (Available from Mitaka)

  • disable-security-groups | boolean

    Disable neutron based security groups - setting this configuration option will override any settings configured via the neutron-api charm. . BE CAREFUL - this option allows you to disable all port level security within an OpenStack cloud.

  • dns-servers | string

    A comma-separated list of DNS servers which will be used by dnsmasq as forwarders. This option only applies when the enable-local-dhcp-and-metadata options is set to True.

    NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored when deployed in a LXD container.

  • dnsmasq-flags | string

    Comma-separated list of key=value config flags with the additional dhcp options for neutron dnsmasq. Note, this option is only valid when enable-local-dhcp-and-metadata option is set to True.

    NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored when deployed in a LXD container.

  • dpdk-bond-config | string

    Default: :balance-tcp:active:fast

    Space delimited list of bond:mode:lacp:lacp-time, where the arguments meaning is: . * bond - the bond name. If not specified the configuration applies to all bonds * mode - the bond mode of operation. Possible values are: - active-backup - No load balancing is offered in this mode and only one of the member ports is active/used at a time. - balance-slb - Considered as a static load-balancing mode. Traffic is load balanced between member ports based on the source MAC and VLAN. - balance-tcp - This is the preferred bonding mode. It offers traffic load balancing based on 5-tuple header fields. LACP must be enabled at both endpoints to use this mode. The aggregate link will fall back to default mode (active-passive) in the event of LACP negotiation failure. * lacp - active, passive or off * lacp-time - fast or slow. LACP negotiation time interval - 30 ms or 1 second

  • dpdk-bond-mappings | string

    Space-delimited list of bond:port mappings. The DPDK assigned ports will be added to their corresponding bond, which in turn will be put into the bridge as specified in data-port. . This option is supported only when enable-dpdk is true.

  • dpdk-driver | string

    Kernel userspace device driver to use for DPDK devices, valid values include: . vfio-pci uio_pci_generic . Only used when DPDK is enabled.

  • dpdk-socket-cores | int

    Default: 1

    Number of cores to allocate to non-datapath DPDK threads per NUMA socket in deployed systems. . Only used when DPDK is enabled.

  • dpdk-socket-memory | int

    Default: 1024

    Amount of hugepage memory in MB to allocate per NUMA socket in deployed systems. . Only used when DPDK is enabled.

  • enable-auto-restarts | boolean

    Default: True

    Allow the charm and packages to restart services automatically when required.

  • enable-dpdk | boolean

    Enable DPDK fast userspace networking; this requires use of DPDK supported network interface drivers and must be used in conjunction with the data-port configuration option to configure each bridge with an appropriate DPDK enabled network device.

  • enable-hardware-offload | boolean

    Enable support for hardware offload of flows from Open vSwitch to supported network adapters. This requires use of OpenStack Stein or later and has only been tested on Mellanox ConnectX 5 adapters. . Enabling this option will make use of the sriov-numvfs option to configure the VF functions of the physical network adapters detected in each unit. . Enabling this option also requires that the firewall-driver option be set to 'openvswitch'; this will allow security groups to be applied to hardware offloaded ports (note that this feature is currently not supported by OVS or the Linux kernel). . This option must not be enabled with either enable-sriov or enable-dpdk. . NOTE: Changing this value will not perform hardware specific adaption. A manual restart of the hardware specific adaption service or reboot of the system is required to apply configuration.

  • enable-local-dhcp-and-metadata | boolean

    Enable local Neutron DHCP and Metadata Agents. This is useful for deployments which do not include a neutron-gateway (do not require l3, lbaas or vpnaas services) and should only be used in-conjunction with flat or VLAN provider networks configurations.

    NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored when deployed in a LXD container.

  • enable-sriov | boolean

    Enable SR-IOV NIC agent on deployed units; use with sriov-device-mappings to map SR-IOV devices to underlying provider networks. Enabling this option allows instances to be plugged into directly into SR-IOV VF devices connected to underlying provider networks alongside the default Open vSwitch networking options. . NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored on Trusty and older. . NOTE: Changing this value will have no effect on runtime configuration. A manual restart of the sriov-netplan-shim service or reboot of the system is required to apply configuration.

  • ext-port | string

    Deprecated: Use bridge-mappings and data-port to create a network which can be used for external connectivity. You can call the network external and the bridge br-ex by convention, but neither is required

    A space-separated list of external ports to use for routing of instance traffic to the external public network. Valid values are either MAC addresses (in which case only MAC addresses for interfaces without an IP address already assigned will be used), or interfaces (eth0)

  • firewall-driver | string

    Firewall driver to use to support use of security groups with instances; valid values include iptables_hybrid (default) and openvswitch (>= Mitaka on Ubuntu 16.04 or later).

  • firewall-group-log-burst-limit | int

    Default: 25

    This option sets the maximum queue size for log entries. Can be used to avoid excessive memory consumption. WARNING: Should be NOT LESS than 25. (Available from Stein)

  • firewall-group-log-output-base | string

    This option allows setting a path for Firewall Group logs. A valid file system path must be provided. If this option is not provided Neutron will use syslog as a destination. (Available from Stein)

  • firewall-group-log-rate-limit | int

    Log entries are queued for writing to a log file when a packet rate exceeds the limit set by this option. Possible values: null (no rate limitation), integer values greater than 100. WARNING: Should be NOT LESS than 100, if set (if null logging will not be rate limited). (Available from Stein)

  • flat-network-providers | string

    Space-delimited list of Neutron flat network providers.

  • instance-mtu | int

    Configure DHCP services to provide MTU configuration to instances within the cloud. This is useful in deployments where its not possible to increase MTU on switches and physical servers to accommodate the packet overhead of using GRE tunnels.

    NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored when deployed in a LXD container.

  • ipfix-target | string

    IPFIX target wit the format "IP_Address:Port". This will enable IPFIX exporting on all OVS bridges to the target, including br-int and br-ext.

  • keepalived-healthcheck-interval | int

    Specifies the frequency (in seconds) at which HA routers will check their external network gateway by performing an ICMP ping between the virtual routers. When the ping check fails, this will trigger the HA routers to failover to another node. A value of 0 will disable this check. This setting only applies when using l3ha and dvr_snat. . WARNING: Enabling the health checks should be done with caution as it may lead to rapid failovers of HA routers. ICMP pings are low priority and may be dropped or take longer than the 1 second afforded by neutron, which leads to routers failing over to other nodes.

  • networking-tools-source | string

    Default: ppa:openstack-charmers/networking-tools

    Package archive source to use for utilities associated with configuring SR-IOV VF's and switchdev mode in Mellanox network adapters. . This PPA can be mirrored for offline deployments. . NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored if enable-sriov and enable-hardware-offload are both false.

  • of-inactivity-probe | int

    Default: 10

    The inactivity_probe interval in seconds for the local switch connection to the controller. A value of 0 disables inactivity probes. Used only for 'native' driver. The default value is 10 seconds.

  • os-data-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Data network (e.g., . This network will be used for tenant network traffic in overlay networks. . In order to support service zones spanning multiple network segments, a space-delimited list of a.b.c.d/x can be provided The address of the first network found to have an address configured will be used.

  • ovs-use-veth | string

    "True" or "False" string value. It is safe to leave this option unset. This option allows the DHCP agent to use a veth interface for OVS in order to support kernels with limited namespace support. i.e. Trusty. Changing the value after neutron DHCP agents are created will break access. The charm will go into a blocked state if this is attempted.

  • prevent-arp-spoofing | boolean

    Default: True

    Enable suppression of ARP responses that don't match an IP address that belongs to the port from which they originate. . Only supported in OpenStack Liberty or newer, which has the required minimum version of Open vSwitch. . NOTE: this feature is deprecated and removed in Openstack >= Ocata. As of that point the only way to disable protection will be via the port security extension (see LP 1691080 for info).

  • rabbit-user | string

    Default: neutron

    Username used to access RabbitMQ queue

  • rabbit-vhost | string

    Default: openstack

    RabbitMQ vhost

  • security-group-log-burst-limit | int

    Default: 25

    This option sets the maximum queue size for log entries. Can be used to avoid excessive memory consumption. WARNING: Should be NOT LESS than 25.

  • security-group-log-output-base | string

    This option allows setting a path for Network Security Group logs. A valid file system path must be provided. If this option is not provided Neutron will use syslog as a destination. (Available from Queens)

  • security-group-log-rate-limit | int

    Log entries are queued for writing to a log file when a packet rate exceeds the limit set by this option. Possible values: null (no rate limitation), integer values greater than 100. WARNING: Should be NOT LESS than 100, if set (or, if null, logging will log unlimited.)

  • sriov-device-mappings | string

    Space-delimited list of SR-IOV device mappings with format . <provider>:<interface> . Multiple mappings can be provided, delimited by spaces. . NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored if enable-sriov is false.

  • sriov-numvfs | string

    Default: auto

    Number of VF's to configure each PF with; by default, each SR-IOV PF will be configured with the maximum number of VF's it can support. In the case sriov-device-mappings is set, only the devices in the mapping are configured. Either use a single integer to apply the same VF configuration to all detected SR-IOV devices or use a per-device configuration in the following format . <device>:<numvfs> . Multiple devices can be configured by providing multi values delimited by spaces. . NOTE: Changing this value will disrupt networking on all SR-IOV capable interfaces for blanket configuration or listed interfaces when per-device configuration is used.

  • sysctl | string

    Default: { net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 : 128, net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 : 28672, net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 : 32768, net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 : 128, net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 : 28672, net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 : 32768, net.nf_conntrack_max : 1000000, net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_buckets : 204800, net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max : 1000000 }

    YAML-formatted associative array of sysctl key/value pairs to be set persistently e.g. '{ kernel.pid_max : 4194303 }'.

  • use-dvr-snat | boolean

    This option controls a mode of the l3 agent when DVR is used. There are 2 modes 'dvr' (default) and dvr_snat (gateway mode). Neutron server (deployed by neutron-api charm) will schedule a network:router_centralized_snat port and a (centralized) snat namespace to dvr_snat mode agents only. If this option is enabled, all neutron-openvswitch nodes become candidates for being centralized snat nodes. If l3ha is enabled on neutron-api, relevant packages are also installed on every unit making them capable of hosting parts of an L3HA router. The min and max numbers of L3 agents per router need to be taken into account in this case (see max_l3_agents_per_router and min_l3_agents_per_router Neutron options). Practically, this option can be used to allow DVR routers (L3HA or not) to be scheduled without a requirement for a dedicated network node to host centralized SNAT. This is especially important if only floating IPs are used in the network design and SNAT traffic is minimal or non-existent.

    NOTE: This configuration option will be ignored when deployed in a LXD container.

  • use-syslog | boolean

    Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.

  • verbose | boolean

    Enable verbose logging.

  • vlan-ranges | string

    Default: physnet1:1000:2000

    Space-delimited list of <physical_network>:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max> or <physical_network> specifying physical_network names usable for VLAN provider and tenant networks, as well as ranges of VLAN tags on each available for allocation to tenant networks.

  • worker-multiplier | float

    The CPU core multiplier to use when configuring worker processes for this services e.g. metadata-agent. By default, the number of workers for each daemon is set to twice the number of CPU cores a service unit has. This default value will be capped to 4 workers unless this configuration option is set.