

  • Franco Luciano Forneron Buschiazzo
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 45 25 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 98 02 May 2024
Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s
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How to use a custom dockerfile tutorial


For practicality, we strongly advice you to enable microk8s’ registry to push docker images to a local registry (the tutorial will be made with this registry), and you’ll also need ingress to be enabled for this tutorial:

microk8s enable ingress registry

Lets deploy page on a local charm.

First, you need to download the anbox-cloud repo by executing the next command:

git clone

Then, change the current directory to the repo’s folder and execute the following to build the docker image and push it to the registry:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t localhost:32000/anbox:latest -f Dockerfile --no-cache
docker push localhost:32000/anbox:latest

Then you should add a model to your k8s-controller in juju and deploy both gunicorn-k8s and nginx-ingress-integrator supplying some extra parameters:

juju add-model gunicorndepl
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s \
  --resource gunicorn-image='localhost:32000/anbox:latest' \
  --config startup_command='talisker.gunicorn.gevent --bind --worker-class gevent --name talisman-`hostname`' \
  --config environment='SECRET_KEY: 12345'
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator ingress
juju relate gunicorn-k8s ingress

Then, edit your /etc/hosts file, adding the following line:

{Your ingress IP} anbox-local

If you don’t know your Ingress IP, you can use the following command to learn it:

microk8s kubectl get pods -n ingress -o wide

This way, when you browse anbox-local it will resolve to your ingress service IP. Now, browse to http://anbox-local and you’ll see the web page deployed.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago.