Containers Calico

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 860 16 Dec 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/candidate 838 26 Oct 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/beta 860 15 Dec 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/edge 873 01 Feb 2022
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy containers-calico
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20.04 18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • bgp-service-cluster-ips | string

    Space-separated list of service cluster CIDRs to advertise over BGP. These will be passed to the .spec.serviceClusterIPs field of the default BGPConfiguration in Calico. Example value: ””

  • bgp-service-external-ips | string

    Space-separated list of service external CIDRs to advertise over BGP. These will be passed to the .spec.serviceExternalIPs field of the default BGPConfiguration in Calico. Example value: ””

  • calico-node-image | string


    The image id to use for calico/node.

  • calico-policy-image | string


    The image id to use for calico/kube-controllers.

  • cidr | string


    Network CIDR assigned to Calico. This is applied to the default Calico pool, and is also communicated to the Kubernetes charms for use in kube-proxy configuration.

  • disable-vxlan-tx-checksumming | boolean

    Default: True

    When set to true, if VXLAN encapsulation is in use, then the charm will disable TX checksumming on the vxlan.calico network interface. This works around an upstream issue in Calico:

  • global-as-number | int

    Default: 64512

    Global AS number.

  • global-bgp-peers | string

    Default: []

    List of global BGP peers. Each BGP peer is specified with an address and an as-number. Example value: "[{address:, as-number: 65000}, {address:, as-number: 65001}]"

  • ignore-loose-rpf | boolean

    Enable or disable IgnoreLooseRPF for Calico Felix. This is only used when rp_filter is set to a value of 2.

  • ipip | string

    Default: Never

    IPIP encapsulation mode. Must be one of "Always", "CrossSubnet", or "Never". This is incompatible with VXLAN encapsulation. If VXLAN encapsulation is enabled, then this must be set to "Never".

  • manage-pools | boolean

    Default: True

    If true, a default pool is created using the cidr and ipip charm configuration values. Warning: When manage-pools is enabled, the charm will delete any pools that are unrecognized.

  • nat-outgoing | boolean

    Default: True

    NAT outgoing traffic

  • node-to-node-mesh | boolean

    Default: True

    When enabled, each Calico node will peer with every other Calico node in the cluster.

  • route-reflector-cluster-ids | string

    Default: {}

    Mapping of unit IDs to route reflector cluster IDs. Assigning a route reflector cluster ID allows the node to function as a route reflector. Example value: "{0:, 2:}"

  • subnet-as-numbers | string

    Default: {}

    Mapping of subnets to AS numbers, specified as YAML. Each Calico node will be assigned an AS number based on the entries in this mapping. Example value: "{ 64512, 64513}" If a node's IP matches any of the specified subnets, then the corresponding AS number is used instead of the global one. If a node's IP matches no subnets, then the global AS number will be used instead. If a node's IP matches multiple subnets, then the most specific subnet will be used, e.g. a /24 subnet will take precedence over a /16.

  • subnet-bgp-peers | string

    Default: {}

    Mapping of subnets to lists of BGP peers. Each BGP peer is specified with an address and an as-number. Example value: "{ [{address:, as-number: 65000}, {address:, as-number: 65001}], [{address:, as-number: 65002}]}" If a node's IP matches multiple subnets, then peerings will be added for each matched subnet.

  • unit-as-numbers | string

    Default: {}

    Mapping of unit IDs to AS numbers, specified as YAML. Each Calico node will be assigned an AS number based on the entries in this mapping. Example value: "{0: 64512, 1: 64513}" This takes precedence over global-as-number and subnet-as-numbers.

  • unit-bgp-peers | string

    Default: {}

    Mapping of unit IDs to lists of BGP peers. Each BGP peer is specified with an address and an as-number. Example value: "{0: [{address:, as-number: 65000}, {address:, as-number: 65001}], 1: [{address:, as-number: 65002}]}"

  • veth-mtu | int

    Set veth MTU size. This should be set to the MTU size of the base network. If VXLAN is enabled, then the charm will automatically subtract 50 from the specified MTU size. If IPIP is enabled, then the charm will automatically subtract 20 from the specified MTU size.

  • vxlan | string

    Default: Never

    VXLAN encapsulation mode. Must be one of "Always", "CrossSubnet", or "Never". This is incompatible with IPIP encapsulation. If IPIP encapsulation is enabled, then this must be set to "Never".