Canonical Bootstack Containerd

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 3 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy canonical-bootstack-containerd
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20.04 18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • custom-registry-ca | string

    Base64 encoded Certificate Authority (CA) bundle. Setting this config allows container runtimes to pull images from registries with TLS certificates signed by an external CA.

  • custom_registries | string

    Default: []

    Registry credentials. Setting this config allows Kubelet to pull images from registries where auth is required. The value for this config must be a JSON array of credential objects, like this: [{"url": "my.registry:port", "username": "user", "password": "pass"}] you can also supply option keys 'ca_file', 'cert_file', and 'key_file' which should be base64 encoded file contents in string form "ca_file": "'$(base64 < my.custom.registry.pem)'"

  • disable-juju-proxy | boolean

    Ignore juju-http(s) proxy settings on this charm. If set to true, all juju https proxy settings will be ignored

  • enable-cgroups | boolean

    Enable GRUB cgroup overrides cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1. WARNING changing this option will reboot the host - use with caution on production services.

  • gpu_driver | string

    Default: auto

    Override GPU driver installation. Options are "auto", "nvidia", "none".

  • http_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTP_PROXY to be used by Containerd. Useful in egress-filtered environments where a proxy is the only option for accessing the registry to pull images.

  • https_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTPS_PROXY to be used by Containerd. Useful in egress-filtered environments where a proxy is the only option for accessing the registry to pull images.

  • no_proxy | string

    Comma-separated list of destinations (either domain names or IP addresses) which should be accessed directly, rather than through the proxy defined in http_proxy or https_proxy. Must be less than 2023 characters long.

  • runtime | string

    Default: auto

    Set a custom containerd runtime. Set "auto" to select based on hardware.

  • shim | string

    Default: containerd-shim

    Set a custom containerd shim.