Alai Contrail Nova Compute

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 0 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy alai-contrail-nova-compute
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  • aa-profile-mode | string

    Default: disable

    Experimental enable apparmor profile. Valid settings: 'complain', 'enforce' or 'disable'. AA disabled by default.

  • action-managed-upgrade | boolean

    If True enables openstack upgrades for this charm via juju actions. You will still need to set openstack-origin to the new repository but instead of an upgrade running automatically across all units, it will wait for you to execute the openstack-upgrade action for this charm on each unit. If False it will revert to existing behavior of upgrading all units on config change.

  • authorized-keys-path | string

    Default: {homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Only used when migration-auth-type is set to ssh. . Full path to authorized_keys file, can be useful for systems with non-default AuthorizedKeysFile location. It will be formatted using the following variables: . homedir - user's home directory username - username .

  • bridge-interface | string

    Default: br100

    Bridge interface to be configured

  • bridge-ip | string


    IP to be assigned to bridge interface

  • bridge-netmask | string


    Netmask to be assigned to bridge interface

  • ceph-osd-replication-count | int

    Default: 3

    This value dictates the number of replicas ceph must make of any object it stores withing the nova rbd pool. Of course, this only applies if using Ceph as a backend store. Note that once the nova rbd pool has been created, changing this value will not have any effect (although it can be changed in ceph by manually configuring your ceph cluster).

  • ceph-pool-weight | int

    Default: 30

    Defines a relative weighting of the pool as a percentage of the total amount of data in the Ceph cluster. This effectively weights the number of placement groups for the pool created to be appropriately portioned to the amount of data expected. For example, if the ephemeral volumes for the OpenStack compute instances are expected to take up 20% of the overall configuration then this value would be specified as 20. Note - it is important to choose an appropriate value for the pool weight as this directly affects the number of placement groups which will be created for the pool. The number of placement groups for a pool can only be increased, never decreased - so it is important to identify the percent of data that will likely reside in the pool.

  • config-flags | string

    Comma-separated list of key=value config flags. These values will be placed in the nova.conf [DEFAULT] section.

  • cpu-mode | string

    Set to 'host-model' to clone the host CPU feature flags; to 'host-passthrough' to use the host CPU model exactly; to 'custom' to use a named CPU model; to 'none' to not set any CPU model. If virt_type='kvm|qemu', it will default to 'host-model', otherwise it will default to 'none'. Defaults to 'host-passthrough' for ppc64el, ppc64le if no value is set.

  • cpu-model | string

    Set to a named libvirt CPU model (see names listed in /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml). Only has effect if cpu_mode='custom' and virt_type='kvm|qemu'.

  • database | string

    Default: nova

    Nova database name.

  • database-user | string

    Default: nova

    Username for database access.

  • debug | boolean

    Enable debug logging.

  • disk-cachemodes | string

    Specific cachemodes to use for different disk types e.g: file=directsync,block=none

  • enable-live-migration | boolean

    Configure libvirt or lxd for live migration. Live migration support for lxd is still considered experimental.

  • enable-resize | boolean

    Enable instance resizing, which requires that passwordless SSH access be setup between compute hosts.

  • flat-interface | string

    Default: eth1

    Network interface on which to build bridge

  • harden | string

    Apply system hardening. Supports a space-delimited list of modules to run. Supported modules currently include os, ssh, apache and mysql.

  • hugepages | string

    The pecentage of system memory to use for hugepages eg '10%' or the total number of 2M hugepages - eg "1024". For a systemd system (wily and later) the prefered approach is to enable hugepages via kernel parameters set in MAAS and systemd will mount them automatically.

  • instances-path | string

    Path used for storing Nova instances data - empty means default of /var/lib/nova/instances.

  • libvirt-image-backend | string

    Tell Nova which libvirt image backend to use. Supported backends are rbd, lvm and qcow2. If no backend is specified, the Nova default (qcow2) is used. Note that rbd imagebackend is only supported with >= Juno.

  • manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode | boolean

    Default: True

    If True nova-compute will install neutron packages for the plugin stipulated by nova-cloud-controller. The option is only available for backward compatibility for deployments which do not use the neutron-api charm. Please do not enable this on new deployments.

  • migration-auth-type | string

    TCP authentication scheme for libvirt live migration. Available options include ssh.

  • multi-host | string

    Default: yes

    Whether to run nova-api and nova-network on the compute nodes.

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: . juju-myservice-0 . If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup.

  • nova-config | string

    Default: /etc/nova/nova.conf

    Full path to Nova configuration file.

  • openstack-origin | string

    Default: distro

    Repository from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry or a supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive (UCA) release pocket. . Supported UCA sources include: . cloud:<series>-<openstack-release> cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/updates cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/staging cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/proposed . For series=Precise we support UCA for openstack-release= * icehouse . For series=Trusty we support UCA for openstack-release= * juno * kilo * ... . NOTE: updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade. .

  • openstack-origin-git | string

    Specifies a default OpenStack release name, or a YAML dictionary listing the git repositories to install from. The default Openstack release name may be one of the following, where the corresponding OpenStack github branch will be used: * liberty * mitaka * master The YAML must minimally include requirements, neutron, and nova repositories, and may also include repositories for other dependencies: repositories: - {name: requirements, repository: 'git://', branch: master} - {name: neutron, repository: 'git://', branch: master} - {name: nova, repository: 'git://', branch: master release: master

  • pci-passthrough-whitelist | string

    Sets the pci_passthrough_whitelist option in nova.conf with is used to allow pci passthrough to the VM of specific devices, for example for SR-IOV.

  • prefer-ipv6 | boolean

    If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface.

  • rabbit-user | string

    Default: nova

    Username used to access rabbitmq queue.

  • rabbit-vhost | string

    Default: openstack

    Rabbitmq vhost.

  • rbd-client-cache | string

    Enable/disable rbd client cache. Leaving this value unset will result in default Ceph rbd client settings being used (rbd cache is enabled by default for Ceph >= Giant). Supported values here are "enabled" or "disabled".

  • rbd-pool | string

    Default: nova

    RBD pool to use with Nova libvirt RBDImageBackend. Only required when you have libvirt-image-backend set to 'rbd'.

  • reserved-host-memory | int

    Default: 512

    Amount of memory in MB to reserve for the host. Defaults to 512MB.

  • sysctl | string

    YAML formatted associative array of sysctl values, e.g.: '{ kernel.pid_max : 4194303 }'

  • use-internal-endpoints | boolean

    Openstack mostly defaults to using public endpoints for internal communication between services. If set to True this option will configure services to use internal endpoints where possible.

  • use-syslog | boolean

    Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.

  • vcpu-pin-set | string

    Sets vcpu_pin_set option in nova.conf which defines which pcpus that instance vcpus can or cannot use. For example '^0,^2' to reserve two cpus for the host.

  • verbose | boolean

    Enable verbose logging.

  • virt-type | string

    Default: kvm

    Virtualization flavor. Supported flavors are: kvm, xen, uml, lxc, qemu, lxd.