Websphere Liberty

  • By IBM Charm Authors
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 4 11 Nov 2020
Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy websphere-liberty
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  • accept-ibm-java-license | boolean

    The IBM Java software comes with special terms and conditions from IBM. The IBM Java software can only be used by accepting the terms and conditions found in the IBM-Java-license.txt file. Setting this option to True indicates that you have read and accept the IBM Java terms and conditions found in the license file. The license file can be found in the root directory of the charm source in the IBM-Java-license.txt file. The latest version of the license will be downloaded to <charm-dir>/files/archives on deployment of the charm. ** The IBM Java software is optional, the OpenJDK will be used by default if the license terms are not accepted. **

  • accept-ibm-websphere-license | boolean

    The IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile software comes with special terms and conditions from IBM. The WebSphere software can only be used by accepting the terms and conditions found in the IBM-WebSphere-license.txt file. Setting this option to True indicates that you have read and accept the IBM WebSphere terms and conditions found in the license file. The license file can be found in the root directory of the charm source in the IBM-WebSphere-license.txt file. **The WebSphere software cannot be installed until the terms and contions are accepted. The charm will not function correctly until the this configuration option is set to True.**

  • ibm-java-file | string

    The name of the IBM Java SDK package for POWER LE platform. If not set, the charm code defaults to sdkibmppc64le.tar.gz for POWER LE platform. Useful if you want to use a different (newer) version of the SDK. IBM SDK is installed only if jdk option is set to 'ibm'.

  • ibm-liberty-url | string

    Default: http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/downloads/wlp/index.yml

    The URL to the file that has the link to latest IBM Liberty package and license. Modification of this value would not be required.

  • ibm-liberty-version | string


    The version of WLP which has to be installed. If nothing is mentioned, it would install v16.0.0.4 (the latest current version).

  • install-petstore | boolean

    Default: True

    Petstore is a web application written in Java used to test that WebSphere Liberty Profile is working. Set this to False if you do not want the test application installed.

  • jdk | string

    Default: default

    The Java Development Kit to install for this charm. Options are 'default', and 'ibm'. The OpenJDK will be installed and used by default. To use the IBM JDK you must read and accept the IBM Java license file.

  • sha_wlp | string

    Default: 3a2f23c7405a814075025ff1918c8889a60d57eb32309730efd5d3b9392c4e6f9d0a0c9c75ef8105ae0254187ed3c79941c236c8b1d49823bdb8c9327f7f62ac

    Checksum value to check integrity of IBM WLP package. The Charm uses sha512sum to check the integrity. The default is set to the checksum of the WLP archive.