Kubernetes Service Checks

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 15 01 Nov 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/candidate 15 12 Oct 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 17 08 Feb 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy kubernetes-service-checks
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22.04 20.04

Learn about configurations >

  • channel | string

    Default: 1.18/stable

    Snap channel to install kubectl from

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe subordinate charms. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • tls_crit_days | int

    Default: 30

    Number of days left for the TLS certificate to expire before alerting Critical.

  • tls_warn_days | int

    Default: 60

    Number of days left for the TLS certificate to expire before Warning.

  • trusted_ssl_ca | string

    base64 encoded SSL ca cert to use for Kubernetes API client connections.