James Page Barbican

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 0 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.10 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy james-page-barbican
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18.10 18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • database | string

    Default: barbican

    Database name for Neutron (if enabled)

  • database-user | string

    Default: barbican

    Username for Neutron database access (if enabled)

  • debug | boolean

    Enable debug logging

  • dns-ha | boolean

    Use DNS HA with MAAS 2.0. Note if this is set do not set vip settings below.

  • haproxy-client-timeout | int

    Client timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.

  • haproxy-connect-timeout | int

    Connect timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.

  • haproxy-queue-timeout | int

    Queue timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.

  • haproxy-server-timeout | int

    Server timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.

  • hmac-key-length | int

    Default: 32

    The length for generating an HMAC

  • keystone-api-version | string

    Default: 2

    none, 2 or 3

  • label-hmac | string

    Default: primaryhmac

    This is the label for the primary HMAC (keyed-hash message authentication code) stored in the HSM that is used by Barbican to wrap other HMACs that are provided to projects. Note the assocated action 'generate-hmac' is used to create an HMAC when initialising a system.

  • label-mkek | string

    Default: primarymkek

    This is the label for the primary MKEK (Master Key Encryption Key) stored in the HSM that is used by Barbican to wrap other encryption keys that are provided to projects. Note the assocated action 'generate-mkek' is used to create an MKEK when initialising a system.

  • mkek-key-length | int

    Default: 32

    The length for generating an MKEK

  • openstack-origin | string

    Default: distro

    Repository from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry, or a supported Cloud Archive release pocket. Supported Cloud Archive sources include: cloud:precise-folsom, cloud:precise-folsom/updates, cloud:precise-folsom/staging, cloud:precise-folsom/proposed. Note that updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade.

  • os-admin-hostname | string

    The hostname or address of the admin endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for admin endpoints. For example, an os-admin-hostname set to 'api-admin.example.com' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: . https://api-admin.example.com:9696/

  • os-admin-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Admin network (e.g., . This network will be used for admin endpoints.

  • os-internal-hostname | string

    The hostname or address of the internal endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for internal endpoints. For example, an os-internal-hostname set to 'api-internal.example.com' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: . https://api-internal.example.com:9696/

  • os-internal-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Internal network (e.g., . This network will be used for internal endpoints.

  • os-public-hostname | string

    The hostname or address of the public endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for public endpoints. For example, an os-public-hostname set to 'api-public.example.com' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: . https://api-public.example.com:9696/

  • os-public-network | string

    The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Public network (e.g., . This network will be used for public endpoints.

  • rabbit-user | string

    Default: barbican

    Username used to access rabbitmq queue

  • rabbit-vhost | string

    Default: openstack

    Rabbitmq vhost

  • region | string

    Default: RegionOne

    OpenStack Region

  • require-hsm-plugin | boolean

    If True (the default) then the barbcian-worker process won't be fully functional until an HSM is associated with the charm. The charm will remain in the blocked state until an HSM is available.

  • ssl_ca | string

    SSL CA to use with the certificate and key provided - this is only required if you are providing a privately signed ssl_cert and ssl_key.

  • ssl_cert | string

    SSL certificate to install and use for API ports. Setting this value and ssl_key will enable reverse proxying, point Glance's entry in the Keystone catalog to use https, and override any certficiate and key issued by Keystone (if it is configured to do so).

  • ssl_key | string

    SSL key to use with certificate specified as ssl_cert.

  • use-internal-endpoints | boolean

    Openstack mostly defaults to using public endpoints for internal communication between services. If set to True this option will configure services to use internal endpoints where possible.

  • use-syslog | boolean

    Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.

  • verbose | boolean

    Enable verbose logging

  • vip | string

    Virtual IP(s) to use to front API services in HA configuration. If multiple networks are being used, a VIP should be provided for each network, separated by spaces.

  • vip_cidr | int

    Default: 24

    Default CIDR netmask to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.

  • vip_iface | string

    Default: eth0

    Default network interface to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.

  • worker-multiplier | float

    The CPU core multiplier to use when configuring worker processes. By default, the number of workers for each daemon is set to twice the number of CPU cores a service unit has. When deployed in a LXD container, this default value will be capped to 4 workers unless this configuration option is set.