
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 2 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04
latest/edge 5 11 Nov 2020
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy charmscaler
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  • alert_enabled | boolean

    Toggle e-mail alerts on/off

  • alert_levels | string


    Alert levels that should trigger alert mails to be sent out

  • alert_receivers | string

    Space separated list of e-mail addresses that should recieve alerts

  • alert_sender | string

    E-mail address that alert mails should be sent from

  • alert_smtp_host | string

    SMTP hostname

  • alert_smtp_password | string

    Password to auth with the SMTP server

  • alert_smtp_port | int

    Default: 25

    SMTP port

  • alert_smtp_ssl | boolean

    Use SSL when connecting to SMTP host

  • alert_smtp_username | string

    Username to auth with the SMTP server

  • charmpool_url | string

    Default: http://charmpool:80

    URL to the Charmpool component. By default both the autoscaler and the pool is run in the same Docker network and will reach eachother by their local hostnames.

  • docker-opts | string

    Extra options to pass to the docker daemon. e.g. --insecure-registry

  • enable-cgroups | boolean

    Enable GRUB cgroup overrides cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1. WARNING changing this option will reboot the host - use with caution on production services

  • http_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTP_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images

  • https_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTPS_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images

  • install_from_upstream | boolean

    Toggle installation from ubuntu archive vs the docker PPA

  • juju_api_endpoint | string

    Juju controller API endpoint

  • juju_model_uuid | string

    Juju model UUID

  • juju_password | string

    Juju account password

  • juju_refresh_interval | int

    Default: 5

    How often the charmscaler should sync against the Juju model.

  • juju_username | string

    Juju account username

  • metric_data_settling_interval | int

    Default: 15

    The minimum age (in seconds) of requested data points. When requesting recent aggregate metric data points, there is always a risk of seeing partial/incomplete results before metric values from all sources have been registered. The value to set for this field depends on the reporting frequency of monitoring agents, but as a general rule-of-thumb, this value can be set to be about 1.5 times the length of the reporting-interval for monitoring agents.

  • metric_poll_interval | int

    Default: 10

    Seconds between polls for new metric values

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe subordinate charms. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • name | string

    Default: CharmScaler

    The name of the service - mainly shows up in the alert e-mails Also useful to distinguish between multiple CharmScaler charms

  • no_proxy | string

    Comma-separated list of destinations (either domain names or IP addresses) that should be directly accessed, by opposition of going through the proxy defined above.

  • port_autoscaler | int

    Default: 8097

    Port which the Autoscaler API should be served on.

  • scaling_cooldown | int

    Default: 300

    Time (in seconds) before making another scaling decision from the time of the last up- or downscale. This is useful to prevent extra resizes due to slow teardowns or, in perticular, upstarts.

  • scaling_cpu_max | int

    Default: 80

    CPU usage threshold at which the number of units should be scaled up.

  • scaling_cpu_min | int

    Default: 20

    CPU threshold where the load is considered low enough to scale down the number of units.

  • scaling_interval | int

    Default: 10

    Seconds between each scaling decision

  • scaling_period_downscale | int

    Default: 120

    Number of seconds that the CPU usage needs to be lower than the threshold before scaling down.

  • scaling_period_upscale | int

    Default: 60

    Number of seconds that the CPU usage needs to be higher than the threshold before scaling up.

  • scaling_units_max | int

    Default: 4

    Maximum amount of units to keep in pool

  • scaling_units_min | int

    Default: 1

    Minimum amount of units to keep in pool