Canonical Support Kubernetes Master

  • By Canonical Support
  • Cloud
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 2 20 May 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/beta 0 17 May 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy canonical-support-kubernetes-master
Show information


20.04 18.04 16.04

Learn about actions >

  • apply-manifest

    Apply JSON formatted Kubernetes manifest to cluster

    • json string

      The content of the manifest to deploy in JSON format



  • cis-benchmark

    Run the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark against snap-based components.

    • apply string

      Apply remediations to address benchmark failures. The default, 'none', will not attempt to fix any reported failures. Set to 'conservative' to resolve simple failures. Set to 'dangerous' to attempt to resolve all failures.

      Note: Applying any remediation may result in an unusable cluster.

    • config string

      Archive containing configuration files to use when running kube-bench. The default value is known to be compatible with snap components. When using a custom URL, append '#<hash_type>=<checksum>' to verify the archive integrity when downloaded.

    • release string

      Archive containing the 'kube-bench' binary to run. The default value points to a stable upstream release. When using a custom URL, append '#<hash_type>=<checksum>' to verify the archive integrity when downloaded.

      This may also be set to the special keyword 'upstream'. In this case, the action will compile and use a local kube-bench binary built from the master branch of the upstream repository:

  • create-rbd-pv

    Create RADOS Block Device (RDB) volume in Ceph and creates PersistentVolume. Note this is deprecated on Kubernetes >= 1.10 in favor of CSI, where PersistentVolumes are created dynamically to back PersistentVolumeClaims.

    • filesystem string

      File system type to format the volume.

    • mode string

      Access mode for the persistent volume.

    • name string

      Name the persistent volume.

    • size integer

      Size in MB of the RBD volume.

    • skip-size-check boolean

      Allow creation of overprovisioned RBD.


    name, size

  • debug

    Collect debug data

  • get-kubeconfig

    Retrieve Kubernetes cluster config, including credentials

  • namespace-create

    Create new namespace

    • name string

      Namespace name eg. staging



  • namespace-delete

    Delete namespace

    • name string

      Namespace name eg. staging



  • namespace-list

    List existing k8s namespaces

  • restart

    Restart the Kubernetes master services on demand.

  • upgrade

    Upgrade the kubernetes snaps

    • fix-cluster-name boolean

      If using the OpenStack cloud provider, whether to fix the cluster name sent to it to include the cluster tag. This fixes an issue with load balancers conflicting with other clusters in the same project but will cause new load balancers to be created which will require manual intervention to resolve.

  • user-create

    Create a new user

    • groups string

      Optional comma-separated list of groups eg. 'system:masters,managers'

    • name string

      Username for the new user. This value must only contain alphanumeric characters, ':', '@', '-' or '.'.



  • user-delete

    Delete an existing user

    • name string

      Username of the user to delete



  • user-list

    List existing users