Bootstack Charmers Next Sudo Pair

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 2 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy bootstack-charmers-next-sudo-pair
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20.04 18.04 16.04
  • auto_approve | boolean

    Default: True

    If true, auto approval is permitted.

  • bypass_cmds | string

    This is a comma-separated list of full path commands that have to be bypassed from sudo pairing

  • bypass_group | string

    This is the unix group for which the commands will be bypassed from sudo pairing approval

  • extra_packages | string

    Space separated list of extra deb packages to install.

  • groups_enforced | string

    Default: root

    This is a comma-separated list of group names that sudo_pair will gate access to.

  • groups_exempted | string

    This is a comma-separated list of group names whose users will be exempted from the requirements of sudo_pair

  • install_keys | string

    List of signing keys for install_sources package sources, per charmhelpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). The keys should be the full ASCII armoured GPG public keys. While GPG key ids are also supported and looked up on a keyserver, operators should be aware that this mechanism is insecure. null can be used if a standard package signing key is used that will already be installed on the machine, and for PPA sources where the package signing key is securely retrieved from Launchpad.

  • install_sources | string

    List of extra apt sources, per charm-helpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). Each source may be either a line that can be added directly to sources.list(5), or in the form ppa:<user>/<ppa-name> for adding Personal Package Archives, or a distribution component to enable.

  • package_status | string

    Default: install

    The status of service-affecting packages will be set to this value in the dpkg database. Valid values are "install" and "hold".