Aym Frikha Charm Mongodb

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 1 13 May 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy aym-frikha-charm-mongodb
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20.04 18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • arbiter | string

    Default: disabled

    Enable arbiter mode. Possible values are 'disabled' for no arbiter, 'enable' to become an arbiter or 'host:port' to declare another host as an arbiter. replicaset_master must be set for this option to work.

  • auth | boolean

    Turn on/off security

  • autoresync | boolean

    Automatically resync if slave data is stale

  • backup_copies_kept | int

    Default: 7

    Number of backups to keep. Keeps one week's worth by default.

  • backup_directory | string

    Default: /home/ubuntu/backups

    Where can the backups be found.

  • backups_enabled | boolean

    Enable daily backups to disk.

  • bind_ip | string


    IP address that mongodb should listen for connections: - "" (or "all", for backward compatibility) will listen on any configured interface (default value). - "" (or "localhost") will listen on localhost - Any other value needs to map to a unit IP (if multiple units exist, the default value is used).

  • config_server_dbpath | string

    Default: /mnt/var/lib/mongodb/configsvr

    The path where the config server data files will be kept.

  • config_server_logpath | string

    Default: /mnt/var/log/mongodb/configsvr.log

    The path where to send config server log data.

  • config_server_port | int

    Default: 27019

    Port number to use for the config-server

  • cpu | boolean

    Enables periodic logging of CPU utilization and I/O wait

  • dbpath | string

    Default: /var/lib/mongodb

    The path where the data files will be kept.

  • diaglog | int

    DEPRECATED Set oplogging level where n is 0=off (default), 1=W, 2=R, 3=both, 7=W+some reads

  • extra_config_options | string

    Default: none

    Extra options ( comma separated ) to be included ( at the end ) in the mongodb.conf file.

  • extra_daemon_options | string

    Default: none

    Extra options ( exactly as you would type them in the command line ) to be added via the command line to the mongodb daemon

  • journal | boolean

    Default: True

    Enable journaling, http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Journaling

  • key | string

    Key ID to import to the apt keyring to support use with arbitary source configuration from outside of Launchpad archives or PPA's.

  • key_file_path | string

    Mandatory if we use ldap authentication with replicaset. Keyfiles use SCRAM challenge and response authentication mechanism where the keyfiles contain the shared password for the members.

  • ldap_admin_dn | string

    The ldap distingushed name of the group that the super user belongs to.

  • ldap_query_User | string

    The identity with which mongod or mongos binds as, when connecting to or performing queries on an LDAP server.

  • ldap_query_password | string

    The password used to bind to an LDAP server when using queryUser. You must use ldap_query_password with ldap_query_User.

  • ldap_query_template | string

    A relative LDAP query URL formatted conforming to RFC4515 and RFC4516 that mongod executes to obtain the LDAP groups to which the authenticated user belongs to.

  • ldap_server | string

    LDAP server URL for MongoDB LDAP identity backend.

  • ldap_super_password | string

    The ldap super user password.

  • ldap_super_user | string

    The ldap super user.

  • logappend | boolean

    Default: True

    Append log entries to existing log file

  • logpath | string

    Default: /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log

    The path where to send log data.

  • logrotate-frequency | string

    Default: daily

    How often should the logs be rotated. Use values from logrotate.

  • logrotate-maxsize | string

    Default: 500M

    Maximum log size before rotating.

  • logrotate-rotate | int

    Default: 5

    Number of log files to keep.

  • master | string

    Default: self

    Who is the master DB. If not "self", put the Master DB here as "host:port"

  • mongos_logpath | string

    Default: /mnt/var/log/mongodb/mongos.log

    The path where to send log data from the mongo router.

  • mongos_port | int

    Default: 27021

    Port number to use for the mongo router

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • noprealloc | boolean

    Disable data file preallocation

  • noscripting | boolean

    Turns off server-side scripting. This will result in greatly limited functionality

  • notablescan | boolean

    Turns off table scans. Any query that would do a table scan fails

  • nssize | string

    Default: default

    Specify .ns file size for new databases

  • objcheck | boolean

    Inspect all client data for validity on receipt (useful for developing drivers)

  • oplogSize | string

    Default: default

    Custom size for replication operation log

  • port | int

    Default: 27017

    Default MongoDB port

  • quota | boolean

    Enable db quota management

  • quotafiles | int

    Default: 8

    Limit the number of data files per database. Only effective if quota management is enabled

  • replicaset | string

    Default: myset

    Name of the replica set

  • replicaset_master | string

    Default: auto

    Replica Set master (optional). Possible values are 'auto' for automatic detection based on install time or 'host:port' to connect to 'host' on 'port' and register as a member.

  • source | string

    Default: None

    Optional configuration to support use of additional sources such as: - ppa:myteam/ppa - cloud:precise-proposed/icehouse - http://my.archive.com/ubuntu main The last option should be used in conjunction with the key configuration option.

  • user_to_dn_mapping | string

    Maps the username provided to mongod or mongos for authentication to a LDAP Distinguished Name (DN). user_to_dn_mapping expects a quote-enclosed JSON-string representing an ordered array of documents. Each document contains a regular expression match and either a substitution or ldapQuery template used for transforming the incoming username.

  • verbose | boolean

    Verbose logging output

  • volume-dev-regexp | string

    Default: /dev/vd[b-z]

    Deprecated, use the storage subordinate. Block device for attached volumes as seen by the VM, will be "scanned" for an unused device when "volume-map" is valid for the unit.

  • volume-ephemeral-storage | boolean

    Default: True

    Deprecated, use the storage subordinate. If false, a configure-error state will be raised if volume-map[$JUJU_UNIT_NAME] is not set (see "volume-map" below) - see "volume-map" below. If true, service units won't try to use "volume-map" (and related variables) to mount and use external (EBS) volumes, thus storage lifetime will equal VM, thus ephemeral. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

  • volume-map | string

    Deprecated, use the storage subordinate. YAML map as e.g. "{ mongodb/0: vol-0000010, mongodb/1: vol-0000016 }". Service units will raise a "configure-error" condition if no volume-map value is set for it - it expects a human to set it properly to resolve it.

  • web_admin_ui | boolean

    Default: True

    DEPRECATED Replica Set Admin UI (accessible via default_port + 1000)