Alai Nrpe

  • By ashley
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 0 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy alai-nrpe
Show information


  • conntrack | string

    Default: -w 80 -c 90

    conntrack table check

  • disk_root | string

    Default: -u GB -w 25% -c 20% -K 5%

    Root disk check. This can be made to also check non-root disk systems as follows: -u GB -w 20% -c 15% -r '/srv/juju/vol-' -C -u GB -w 25% -c 20% The string '-p /' will be appended to this check, so you must finish the string taking that into account. See the nagios check_disk plugin help for further details.

  • export_nagios_definitions | boolean

    If True nagios check definitions are written to '/var/lib/nagios/export' and rync is configured to allow nagios_master to collect them. Useful when Nagios is outside of the juju environment

  • hostcheck_inherit | string

    Default: server

    Hostcheck to inherit

  • hostgroups | string

    Comma separated list of hostgroups to add for these hosts

  • load | string

    Default: auto

    Load check (e.g. -w 8,8,8 -c 15,15,15), if 'auto' is set, then NUM_CPUS*0.7 is used for the warning threshold and NUM_CPUS for the critical one

  • mem | string

    Default: -C -u -w 85 -c 90

    Memory check

  • monitors | string

    Additional monitors defined in the monitors yaml format (see README)

  • nagios_address_type | string

    Default: private

    Determines whether the nagios host check should use the private or public IP address of an instance. Can be "private" or "public".

  • nagios_host_context | string

    Default: juju

    a string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-postgresql-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_hostname_type | string

    Default: unit

    Determines whether a server is identified by its unit name or host name. If you're in a virtual environment, "unit" is probably best. If you're using MaaS, you may prefer "host".

  • nagios_master | string

    Default: None

    IP address of the nagios master to allow rsyncs from

  • procs | string

    Default: auto

    Number of processes check or 'auto' for the charm to generate thresholds based on processor count

  • server_port | int

    Default: 5666

    port that nagios-nrpe-server will listen on

  • sub_postfix | string

    Default: _sub

    A string to be appended onto all the nrpe checks created by this charm to avoid potential clashes with existing checks

  • swap | string

    Default: -w 90% -c 75%

    Swap check

  • users | string

    Default: -w 20 -c 25

    Users check

  • zombies | string

    Default: -w 3 -c 6 -s Z

    Zombie processes check